Chapter 15| New Faces

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Puny God

After waking up, I realized that Aura is gone again. The last time he disappeared like that, his soul was taken from him, and when he got it back, it had been poisoned. He was out for 6 months, and losing him was hard on us. The battles had been harder to beat without his powers. Blaze had become more distant and didn't come out of his room 'till he heard that we had gotten Aura back. Some of our allies left us, seeing that we were broken and battered. We were losing strength by the day. And then it happened. I had walked into the lab, looking for a beaker of denote that Cosmo asked me to grab for him. All of a sudden, Aura, who had been floating around in a giant tube, opened his eyes. I took a step back and the wind whipped around my hair. Light energy flooded the room in shockwaves, his eyes glowed, and the glass on the tube cracked. One of his eyes turned black, light and quantum energy crackled against every surface, and things started floating. My feet left the ground, and I saw a blast of light coming towards me. I used a lightning blast to try and repel it, but with the shockwaves everywhere, Aura began to overpower me. My feet touched the wall, and my eyes glowed making my blast even stronger. My blast finally reached the tube, and Aura's eyes closed, as he fell dormant once again. I fell, just like everything else. While all the chemicals had a soft landing, I did not.

I ran out of the room to go tell everybody everything that had happened. Everybody knew I had to be right because I was always right about these things. They checked the cams just to be sure, but the cameras had glitched out before Aura's eyes had opened. The others still believed me, even with the lack of proof.


After Ozone tells me that Aura is missing again, I run to my room and wildly start breaking everything in the room. The desk splinters falls apart, and bursts into flames. My eyes glow, and I absorb all of the energy from the flames. My hair becomes a raging fire, but I feel nothing. I break the window and jump out.

While I run, the forest around me burns. I can't stop the energy of the fire from consuming me. I fall to my knees, and the fire enters me. It burns every inch of my skin but brings me power. When I rise from the ashes, all I know is that I have been transformed into something new, something more powerful. I can still feel the flames inside. But one goal sears my heart. Destroy the "heroes".


I rise from the ashes, with a goal on my mind. But first, I have to get to the hero's base. I start the lonely trek toward the base. The place looks like a small clearing. "OK, what is it I have to do here? Think. Think." I remember what my friend Ralph said I had to do. I step into the middle of the clearing, and the sky turns red. I breathe out, then make a tower of fire around me. The tower dissipates and sets everything near it on fire. The landscape changes from a sunny clearing in the forest to a burning wasteland. The ground below me shakes and starts to drop, like some sort of elevator. It drops me off at what looks like an armory. I look at all the armor suits, which represent an element. I look at an orange and white one and whisper "Fire," as the suit bursts into flames. I take it off its stand, and it merges with me. There is suddenly a mask behind my head, so I put it on, and it has an A.I. voice assistant that helps me unlock powers.

I take off the mask and head even further down, where I know I'll find the meeting room. I don't know how, I just know There's something strange about this place like I've been here before. Maybe it's just deja vu, or it's more.

"Hey Ember, so you managed to get here," Ralph says. "Yeah, it was easy to find this place, easier to get in, easier to get down here, so I assume that somethings not going to be easy," I say. "Hmm, so you figured out the pattern. Now here's where it breaks," He says. "What do you mean..." Ralph sends a wither laser at me cutting me off mid-sentence. I dodge and keep speaking. "What the hell are you doing?! I thought we were friends!" I yell after jumping onto the ceiling. "We were, 'till you betrayed us!" he says, firing two more lasers. I don't fight back, because doing so would destroy the little chance I have to bring back our friendship. I keep dodging his attacks and trying to get him to listen to reason. "This is over! You're done for," Ralph says, before firing the biggest energy beam I've ever seen him do. It catches me off guard and hits me straight on. The pain is excruciating. I can feel myself getting ripped apart. A memory comes to me. A happy one. My brother smiles at me, as we continue to bake cookies. My dad comes into the kitchen and tells us a joke. The problem is it's not funny. But the fact that it's not funny cracks up me and my brother. Then my mom comes into the room and asks what the ruckus is. Me and my brother laugh even harder. Then I watch the man come into the room, and I scream a warning as the blood splatters on the wall, on our cookies. Then the gun points to me. With tears in my eyes, I picked up a knife and... My anger alone burns down the neighborhood. I'm returned to reality, where Ralph is still blasting me. "If they want me to be the bad guy, then, I'll be the bad guy alright," I say before becoming a living nuke. I blow up the whole base, and when it's over, I emerge from the ashes, standing next to Ralph's unconscious body.

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