1. Origin

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"Ugh, you're still so weak! Kids your age are already way past you in the quirk department!" Your mother shouts, hitting you. You shriek, and are sent to your room again without dinner.

My body hurts so much... but if I don't try harder, I'm going to disappoint them.. Maybe if I do what they want, they will love me..!


That mentality lasts nearly seven years. You have one friend, since he never seems to be bothered by how cold you are. "Good morning y/n!" you hear a loud boisterous voice shout. "Morning Inasa." you nod. "I'm really pumped to take the UA test!!" He beams. Inasa Yoarashi, the loudest person you'd ever met, but also understanding. "Optimism, what's that?" you snort.


You are on your way to UA to take the regular exam and somebody puts their arm around your shoulder. "Hey cute thing, wanna hang out with me and my buddies?" the brunette male asks. You sneer and grab the brunette boys wrist with a heated hand "I'll pass." You huff and start to continue your way. "Not so fast!". You gets spun around and held by the shoulders tightly by the brunette boy. "Get off of her!" A green haired boy shouts from behind and runs over "Or what, hm?" The brunette boy sneers. You struggle for a bit until the green haired boy punches the brunette in the stomach, pulling you away fast. "S-sorry is your arm okay?I didn't pull you away too hard?" He asks, sounding a bit panicked. Your chest feels fluttery "I'm alright, thanks for the help." You nod.

"Are you headed to UA?" He asks. You raise an eyebrow "Yeah, I am". "Me too. I can walk with you, so those guys don't try anything like that again." He offers. "Thanks for the sentiment, but I will be just fine. Good luck." you wave with a smirk, letting more smoke out of your lungs.

I don't think I've ever been saved like that. People immediately assume I'm fine because I look intimidating. He deserves to get in, he has a nice face too..

You nearly stop walking, your cheeks heating up. "Fuck that." you grumble and shove your hands into your pockets. You get to UA and sit down in a seat, shrugging of your jacket and you crack your neck. "What's up UA candidates, thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ! Come on and let me hear ya!" Present Mic exclaims as the lights shine on him. The silence makes you roll your eyes. "Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how the practical is going to go down, okay? Are you ready?!" Present Mic asks. Another silence, making you sigh. "Like your application said, today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute battles in super hip urban settings! Guard your loins, my friends, after I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?" Present Mic asks and gets not reply. You look at your card. "Okay?!" Present Mic asks again.

Battle Center B. Guess I know where to go.

"Okay, okay. Let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points by their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your points by shredding these faux villains like a mid song guitar solo! But check it! Make sure  you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examinees is a UA no-no ya dig?" Present Mic says. "Excuse me sir, but I have a question!" A boy next to you stands up. "Hit me!" Present Mic yells. "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains, not three. With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do."

The male turns towards you and you follow his gaze. It's that green haired boy from earlier. "Additionally you with the unkempt hair! You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, then leave. You're distracting the rest of us." One of the males with glasses by her says to the green haired boy harshly. "You've been most of a distraction by making everybody laugh by his expense. Get off whatever soap box you think you're on." You say coldly, making the boy, who was just talking, sputter. "Alright, alright. Examine 7111, thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy is just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center, think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones on top of the charts!" Present Mic explains. 

"Thank you very much! Please, continue." the green headed boy sits back down. "That's all I got for today, I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school motto! As general Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, a true hero is on who overcomes life's misfortunes . Now that's a tasty sound byte! You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" Silence again. "Good luck!"


You go to get changed and start stretching for the exam. You spot a head of green hair and smirk.

Cool, he's here. Can't wait to see what the shy boy is capable of 😏😭

The green haired boy continues to get scolded by the guy with the glasses again and you roll your eyes. The exam starts, and you run in, taking out obstacle after obstacle (with whatever quirk you choose to have). The green haired boy isn't getting anything, you sigh inwardly.

Can't be a hero on personality alone..

You hear loud shattering and groaning, making you turn around. The zero point villain. You run with the others, until you hear a girl crying out. The green haired boy jumps into action, and you watch him take it out with a single punch. Your chest starts to flutter again, seeing the demonstration of power.

Shit, I was able to count him out. Whatever.. gotta keep going!


You get into UA with flying colors, placing second place with 76 points. Inasa places first in the recommendation exam. However, your best friend decides to decline his admittance. "What?! You're skipping out?!" you gawk. "I... I really don't think I can be around that guy..," he says (that guy is Iida). You bite your lip. "but don't think we aren't friends anymore! You're still my best friend, and I will keep in touch!" he beams. "Promise me, airhead." You hold your pinky out. and he links his with yours "I promise." he widely smiles.

At home, you're shouted at.

"WE SAID TO GET THE TOP SCORE! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE THE BEST IF YOU CAN'T EVEN GET FIRST PLACE IN EVERYTHING!" Your mother barks. "You should be ashamed of yourself, you fucking brat." Your father scoffs. "Sorry.. I'll do better." You bow your head "NOT JUST BETTER! FUCKING BE THE BEST LIKE WE RAISED YOU TO BE!" Your mother raises her hand, and you don't even flinch when she slaps you across the cheek. 

"Get the hell out of our sight, you worthless piece of shit." Your father says his voice harsh. "Yes sir." You nod your head and go upstairs to your room. You lay down in your bed, hugging your pillow to your chest.

I hope I can do something at UA to make them ease up. I know they hate me, but even if I can make them feel that they tolerate me, I'll do it.

Your eyes close, and you see a flash of the green haired boy.

Why was he so kind..? Even if it would get him hurt, he just... sacrificed himself. Everything about him is just so warm..

You let yourself drift off to sleep.

This took me like 2 hours to write- 😭 I'm so sorry if this chapter was boring, I promise the next few chapters won't be as boring.

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