Chapter 3

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"Leviathan!" cries a voice.
"He's not breathing!" the same voice yells.
"What?! He's not breathing?!" another voice yells. I suddenly felt someone doing CPR on me.
"Leviathan! Breathe! Just breathe!" Cries the voice.

I slowly open my eyes and look up at the people. It was Sophie and Mark.

"He's waking up!" says Mark
"Hmm?" I moan. I sit up and look at Sophie and Mark.

"Please don't use my full name. Only my brother uses it and he's dead" I say.
"WHAT?! SAMUEL IS DEAD?! says Mark in shock.
"You know that he's number 2 right?" Sophie asks.
"Wha... Oh now I remember" says Mark. I roll my eyes and look at Sophie.
"Why am I here? I thought I was running from a mog" I say.
"You were running from a mog but you crashed into a wall and then you were unconscious" Sophie says.
"Oh" was all that I could say.
They help me up and start walking. We soon end up in a muddy field.

"Is that...?" I trail off.
"Jacob?" Sophie and Mark says at the same time.
"JACOB!" Mark yells. The person turns around and looks at us. He then smiles and runs up to us.
"I've missed you guys" says Jacob

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