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Alia awoke with a yawn, stretching what she had of her purple wings before the rest of her feathers rejoiced to the ones that clung to her back. She sat in bed looking at herself in her light surrounded mirror. Gods, her hair was a mess. She needed it cut, her bangs had gone straight again when she was meant to have curtains and the rest of her hair's layers were barely visible. She stood, grabbing a purple hairbrush that was on her dresser and started brushing her dirty blonde locks.

The longer she took to get ready, the more it set in that finals for eighth grade were nearing, the progressive thinking about it only lead her in one direction. Realizing she had to start applying for high-school entrance exams.

She knew she wanted to be a hero. Ever since she was little and could start learning history properly, she heard stories about the amazing heroes that took down the greatest obstacle the world had ever met. All for One. She wanted to be part of that protection, to keep the people she cared about safe, her friends, her family, the world. She knew her quirk would be useful for it too, fierce wings. It's the same quirk that her (2nd place) idol has, Hawks. He was a fighter in the final battle against AFO, his strategies were something Alia had studied over, knowing it'd help her progress with her own.

She was done getting ready, a nice pair of flared jeans, a white top and her regular maroon red zip up. Of course, not without her silver jewelry- layered chains and a few rings. She nearly never left without them. She took her phone off the charger and looked at the time wide eyed- 6:58. She had to be at the bus stop by 7:02- she had to hurry, get her shoes on- oh get her computer off her bed... and pack her bag. Alia practically scrambled to get out of the house, kissing her mom goodbye and slinging her backpack over her right shoulder. By a miracle, she managed to make it in time, not without panting and apologizing to Ms. G while getting on though. She received a glare while getting on, three seats from the front. She groaned.

"Kelley..." she mumbled, walking past her and sitting in the seat behind her, noticing it was the only nearby empty one.

"Thalia." She responded in a sly, mocking tone.

Alia scoffed and attempted to return her breathing to normal from running the long distance. She rolled her eyes and took her earbuds out of her pocket, putting them in and listening to some music. She hummed along to "If - by, Janet Jackson" while she thought about the interaction. Kelley was never a pleasant one to see, they used to be best friends but once she dropped Alia in fifth grade before crawling back to her two months later, there was always a doubt in their friendship, so Alia decided to give it up completely in the early spring of that year, finally acknowledging the toxicity of it.

Before Alia could even think back to their other old friend groups, they arrived at school and were being dismissed off the buses. Everyone started scrambling to their lockers or breakfast, Alia buying juice and heading off to her locker. She wasn't the "lock type." Sure, the school would originally put a zip tie on your locker if you didn't have one but it was easy to work around that so they gave up early in the school year knowing most people already had locks.

"Thalia!" said a familiar voice. Alia quickly whipped her head to see one of her bestfriends walking towards her from Seniora Wisa's homeroom class.

Alia's standard, normally pissy expression immediately became warm as she smiled and gave a wave before tending back to gathering her things.

"What's up Rye?" Alia grinned as her friend came up next to her locker. She held her things and her locker slammed shut behind her making her flinch.

"I told you to tell me when you'd do that!" Alia yelped as her feathers puffed out.

"Oh- Sorry... I forgo-" Rylee started an apology before getting cut off.

"Watch it, Tabatha." Jake said, shoving into Alia, neither of them realizing the slam of the locker had ended up with her in the near middle of the hallway. Sebastian glared at her with a snicker, setting off fire in his hand as their group walked off.

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