Ch. 2

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Alia sent a few text messages to Meri, Rory, Rylee and herselves group chat. Letting them know to meetup at their normal spot once they'd seen the message or could leave. Rylee went off to her locker after getting her things from Alia's so they split up as Alia waited for the other three to meet in front of the school.

She took this moment to open her envelope, hoping for it to brighten her mode before her friends got there. She unfolded the piece of paper and read.


[U.A. High School]

Musutafu, Japan

Thalia Allium Spade

You have received recommendations from multiple pro heroes in the state of New York, including your school board. We invite you to take the Evaluation of The Recommended to Yuuei High School. Your flight to Japan will be paid for if you agree to this admission. If there is admission or any problems, contact -------------.


Alia looked at the letter in shock, reading over a certain sentence multiple times. It would be paid for? If me and Rylee automatically get in, that would mean Meri and Rory would have to take the exam, and fly back if they get in... But that'd be expensive, so they'd have to get a hotel after the exam and stay in Japan till they get the results, which would take about two weeks...

Alia subconsciously was mumbling this all to herself, not noticing that Rory, Meraki and Rylee were all waiting for her to stop.

"Yes Tabatha, that would in fact be cheaper." Meri said with a twitch in her eye, wanting to celebrate with her already.

"Hey! We talked about that name." Alia yelled, walking down the sidewalk with her feathers puffing up.

"Hey- you weren't listening to us otherwise." Rory reasoned with her.

Alia flapped her wings and took a low flight position, so she'd be above the other three but still in talking range. "That's the problem, Rory. People use it so much that I respond to it more than my actual name. It hurts when it is a name used to make fun of me."

"Sorry Thalia." Rye empathized with her.

"You guys also need to start using Alia. It's... the way I take control of my name... you know?" She questioned, diving down and landing in front of the group, letting her feathers carry her bag for her.

"No, Thalia, none of us get made fun of for our names, of course we don't know. We're not even popular like you are, we're the "weird quiet kids."" Rory used a mocking voice for the last part.

They all individually wondered why Thalia had been made fun of for her name and no one else. Some people don't even know her real name is Thalia, she gets told that at least once a month. It was how she gained her popularity, and her suspension last year mixed with the name calling made everyone think that it was her actual name. She thought she had escaped the joke once summer started last year, but once eighth grade started, it picked right back up again.

Alia's eyes lit up and she turned around to the group, walking backwards so she could talk to them.

"In U.A.- I won't have to worry about the name!" She gushed with a grin on her face.

Rory's eyes narrowed. And Meri immediately noticed, the two slowing their pace to talk one on one, leaving Rylee and Alia to talk to each other as well.

"I wouldn't worry about it, they're probably talking about Hayden again." Rylee whispered towards Alia before growing wide eyed.

"Wh-" Alia started to question before feeling something hit her back, a feather immediately leaving her back into her hand, turning around and holding it defensively.

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