Tears In The Rain : Droplets Among The Many

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(Orginal Au by DropOff)

It was an awfully quiet night in snowdin... All the townsfolk had left to the HotLands lab for safety, but not me, and Paps... I had a job to do and well... Papyrus was trying his best, I just wish for his safety when facing that monster...

After an awful hour, I finally had enough of waiting around to see if Paps would be back... Maybe he was walking with them to make sure they didn't do anything else wrong... Right? I sighed as I opened the door and put my hands into my pockets as I made my way over to where Papyrus said he'd face the human.

As I arrived there, I saw nothing... Besides the scarf of my bro on the floor with his dust inside of it, I chuckled softly to myself. I hated this... I knew he was doomed, yet I just stayed at home and did nothing... This all felt all so familiar... Like something like this happened before. I don't know why I laughed. Was it out of guilt? Pity? Shame?... Hell if I know.

I knelt down and grabbed my bros scarf, I tied it around my neck and sighed... If I wasn't so lazy, he'd be alive, so many people would be... My bro was the kindest soul you'd ever meet, and that... Monster, no. Demon... Struck him down anyway, probably without a second thought... I looked up at the sky and held out my hand as the snow fell down onto it.

I was torn between two thoughts, I could go out and stop them... Make sure they never harm another soul, throw away my role as a judge, and become the executioner they deserve!... Or I could keep my promise to that old lady, and let my judgement be payed when it was meant to be. I looked down and grabbed my bros scarf tightly, my eye flashed blue as I grumbled. I had made up my mind. They didn't deserve the life they'd been given, so I'll take it away.... I sighed as I walked off behind a tree, taking a shortcut to Waterfall.

There I sat, looking upon the ledge towards new home... The large castle among the mountains brought me a sense of peace. I held my umbrella above my head tightly as I sat there, waiting...

It's quite strange really, this place almost never rains, the brief area before and after it sure, but here? Not so much... Heh, maybe the world knew that it was gonna be the end of yet another person's life today. As I sat lost in thought, I was broken out of my trance with the sound of a voice in the distance approaching.

Before I could stand up, the human stood still, almost seeming shocked... Monster kid tilted his head in confusion as he saw me, "W-Wha? Sans, what are you doing here?" He asked, seemingly a bit scared, I held. my hand out and used my telekinetic powers to pull them away from that beast and placed him behind me. "Don't mind what I'm doing here, kid... You need to leave, keep yourself safe... Find Undyne, tell her I'm here to deal with the maniac that's been killing everyone..." I spoke in a cold tone. He looked at me in... Almost awe before looking at the human, "B-But... I could -" "No, you can't! Please ... I can't let us monsters lose another innocent life today..." I snapped, interrupting him, a tear drop falling from my eye as I thought back to Papyrus. He finally gave me a nod and ran off to do as I said.

Now it was just me and them... The human... I chuckled softly as I stared at them, "I can read your face... You weren't expecting this, were you?" I asked. A slight laugh slipped out as I said this. Their face did not look happy to see me... "Heh, lemme guess... this déjà vu I keep feeling... That's your doing, right?" I said, tilting my head slightly, the rain softly hitting my umbrella, their face seemed to have focused more, seeming more angry than surprised now. "Welp... I guess that means this ain't even the first time you killed my bro... So now, I guess I don't gotta feel bad about what comes next." I muttered to myself as I sighed, getting ready for a fight.

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