To: L. T

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Hi, you're probably wondering why I'm writing a random thing detected to you on Google notes. Well if you're reading this that means I haven't chickend out. See this is written to help me fully understand my heart, if I feel right writing this then the burning question in my mind and heart is answered.

Dear L,
this is the last love letter I will write detecated to you.

The question burning within my soul is, do I love him? I've been asking this since March of 2023. You've been replaying in my mind, making me think somethings I shouldn't, making me feel something I've never felt, making me wright over 100 letters in the whispan of 2 months. Everything I see somehow, someway, makes my mind go to you, I don't know why, we were barely aquantenses but my eyes would always look at you instead of Mrs. R, always notice if you were in the room. Now I know the answer to my question, after months of having to rethink over and over and over again, I finally got my answer.

Yes, I do, I love L.T.
And I have since that game of heads up 7 up in Mr. M's class. Since I got the person wrong, since you yelled it was you who picked me. That whole day I couldn't stop thinking about you jumping up and down, smiling, while you were going between the seats. I know I probably sound really fucking creepy but, I think I've loved you for over a year. Now I'm going to be super friggin embarrassed if I actually give this to you but I did what i felt like I needed to.
Everything I've said is the complete and utter truth

Love,Ruth(the quiet kid with the 'hot sister' in you're words.)

If you're reading this on Wattpad...I'm sorry I couldn't give this to you in person.

11:50-12:05 pm(at night)
Otherwise known as sivii, Leena(lean-uh), or Ruth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2024 ⏰

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