'as I open my eyes'

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'as I open my eyes'
Chapter one. 'meeting'

I wait in the corridor for Siobhan
"Uhm..Vivian you can come in."
Her eyes were a fine red colour and she
Looked annoyed
I placed myself down on the chair in front of her and asked her if everything's
Okay. She soon replies in a rude tone stating that she's fine.
This meeting feels different
She's not speaking. I'm starting most of our short conversations. This surprises me because the woman is quite a chatterbox.
I watch as a small lighter blonde strand falls just above her button nose
As she goes to move it her baggy sleeve falls down.
Revealing a multicoloured bruise.
The blonde vividly takes action in this and moves her hand under the table.
"I have to go collect Jamie. Uhh same time next week?" I didn't really. Jamie wasn't in the building. His dad had taken him for the week I just didn't want Siobhan to feel overwhelmed
The paranoid girl nodded and I walked out. Marjorie stops me in the hall
"Alright my love, ain't Jamie at his dad's this week, why are you here?" I get worried that Siobhan hears this because Marjorie speaks quite loudly
"Well I just-" I get interrupted
"She's here with me Marjorie." The beautiful voice spits out
Marjorie rolls her eyes and walks off
I knew that the blonde understood why I lied She seemed kind of pleased that I did
For her sake.

'as I open my eyes'Where stories live. Discover now