the absolute End.

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*The air was heavy and thick with an oppressive sense of darkness. Not a single bit of light penetrated the pitch black that enveloped the surroundings. Suddenly, a low, pulsing sound could be heard, echoing throughout the space and sending chills down your spine.*

*The pulsing sound continued to grow, growing louder and more intense with each passing moment. It echoed off the surrounding darkness, creating a deep, rhythmic throb that seemed to resonate within your very bones.*

*The pulsing sound continued to build, the intensity increasing with each passing moment. It grew so loud that you could feel the vibrations in your chest, the deep throb of the sound nearly overwhelming your senses as it filled the inky blackness around you.*

*The gray and monotone surroundings faded into view, and you find yourself observing a scene within this bleak setting. Nori, a drone, was sitting on the bed, holding a baby in her arms. Khan, another drone, stood nearby, his gaze fixed on the infant. He spoke up, a hint of pride in his voice as he spoke.* "She's perfect... isn't she..?"

*Nori nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving the face of the baby in her arms. She spoke up, her voice soft and loving as she suggested a name for the infant.*"I think... I'll call her *Uzi..*"

*As Nori and Khan continued to admire baby Uzi, a faint whisper could be heard in the background. The word "Wake up" seemed to echo through the room, cutting through the peaceful moment like a knife.*

*As the whisper grew louder, becoming impossible to ignore, Nori and Khan continued to remain oblivious. The word "Wake up" now rang distinctly in the air, growing in volume and urgency as it demanded attention.*

*Uzi's eyes shot open as a loud voice suddenly screamed "WAKE UP!!!!" and she found herself plummeting through space at breathtaking speeds. The shock on her visor was visible as the cold void of space rushed past her at incredible speed, the force of her fall making her heart beat wildly in her chest.*

*Uzi frantically tried to use her wings to slow her fall, but the sheer speed at which she was plummeting through space caused her wings to instantly burn up, leaving her helpless and falling at ever-increasing speeds through the cold, unforgiving void.*

*As Uzi continued to fall through the depths of space, she found herself unable to call for help or even scream. In the vacuum of space, sound cannot travel, leaving her utterly alone and silent as she plummeted towards an unknown destination.*

*After falling for what seemed like an eternity, Uzi's body suddenly made contact with a floating platform. The impact was intense, causing her to slam against the hard surface of the rock, leaving her dazed and disoriented. She slowly sat up, groaning as she tried to recover from the unexpected landing.*

*Uzi slowly sat up, wincing slightly as her wings began to heal and repair themselves from the impact and the damage caused by her high-speed fall. As she looked around, her eyes fell upon a large hole in Copper 9, and within that hole, a soft, glowing yellow light could be seen blinking and pulsing.*

*Uzi flinched as a necklace was suddenly hurled towards her. She had only a moment to react before the familiar piece of jewelry was around her neck. Looking up, she saw a heart-shaped figure leaping towards her, jumping from rock to rock with practiced ease. It was unmistakable - it was her mother, Nori.*

*Nori landed gracefully on the platform, her heart-shaped body moving with a fluidity that defied her appearance. Knowing that communication would be difficult in space, she broke off a piece of the platform to use as a makeshift writing surface. On it, she scribbled a simple greeting, "hey...".*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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