Chapter 7

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Elowen pov".........

Elowen stood in front of the mirror in her small apartment, adjusting the collar of her scrubs. A week had passed since Emilio and Alessandro had appeared at her door, their message hanging heavy in the air like the threat of a storm. The question of whether to return home had consumed her thoughts, wrapping around her mind like a vice. Each time she tried to push the idea away, it surged back, stronger and more insistent.

She could still hear Alessandro’s cold words: “This isn’t a request.” That reminder gnawed at her, making her second-guess every decision she had made over the past decade.

“Just think about it,” Emilio had said, his plea echoing in her head. But what was there to think about? Every fiber of her being screamed to stay away from the tangled web of her family. Yet, despite her resolve, she felt a pull, an invisible thread binding her to a past she had fought so hard to escape.

“Focus, Elowen,” she muttered to herself, shaking off the anxiety. She grabbed her bag and left her apartment, determined to immerse herself in the routine of work at the hospital, where the chaos of life and death often offered a welcome distraction from her own turmoil.

The hospital was buzzing as usual. Nurses rushed down the hall, doctors huddled in deep conversation, and patients filled the waiting area, their faces a mix of hope and fear. Elowen loved the rhythm of the place—the way it hummed with life, the stark reality of human vulnerability. It grounded her, but today, she felt a heaviness in her chest that she couldn't shake off.

“Good morning, Dr. Morozov,” a cheerful nurse called out as Elowen walked past the nurse’s station.

“Morning,” Elowen replied, forcing a smile as she headed to the break room. She poured herself a cup of coffee, savoring the bitter taste that usually perked her up. Today, it did little to lift the fog that had settled over her mind.

As she settled into her first patient of the day, an elderly man with a heart condition, Elowen found herself distracted. She couldn’t concentrate on the patient’s symptoms, and she caught herself staring out the window, the sun casting a warm glow over the city.

“Dr. Morozov?” the man’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Are you listening?”

Elowen snapped back to reality, forcing herself to focus. “Yes, I’m sorry. Can you tell me again about the pain you’ve been experiencing?”

The man repeated himself, but her mind drifted back to her family and the weight of their expectations. Would she be able to face her father? Could she navigate the dangerous waters of her past?

After wrapping up with her patient, Elowen headed to her office, where she found Dr. Mathias, her boss, waiting. He stood with his arms crossed, a frown etched on his face.

“Elowen, we need to talk,” he said, his tone serious.

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” she replied, bracing herself.

“Your recent performance has been… lacking. I’ve noticed you seem distracted during consultations. Patients have mentioned feeling unheard. That’s not like you,” he said, his sharp gaze scrutinizing her.

“I’m fine,” Elowen insisted, irritation bubbling to the surface. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”

Dr. Mathias raised an eyebrow. “Personal matters should not interfere with your work. You need to find a way to compartmentalize. Our patients deserve your full attention.”

Elowen clenched her jaw, the tension in the room thickening. “I understand that, but I assure you, I’m doing my best.”

“Your best isn’t good enough if you can’t focus,” he countered, his tone unwavering. “I need you to get it together, Elowen. We have a responsibility here.”

She felt the heat rising in her cheeks. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m handling my responsibilities. If you have specific issues with my patient care, I’d like to hear them.”

Dr. Mathias leaned back in his chair, his expression softening slightly. “I’m not trying to be harsh. I care about your well-being and your career. Just… make sure you’re in the right headspace when you’re here. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Understood,” she said curtly, but the frustration simmered beneath the surface.

As she walked out of his office, Elowen felt a mixture of anger and guilt. She had worked hard to earn her position and respect in the hospital, but now it felt as if her personal struggles were threatening to unravel it all.

Throughout the day, the friction with Dr. Mathias lingered in her mind. She wanted to push back against his concerns, to assert that she was capable, but deep down, she couldn’t ignore the truth: she was struggling to keep her head above water.

By the time her shift ended, Elowen was exhausted. She walked to her car, the weight of the day settling on her shoulders like a heavy cloak. As she sat in the driver’s seat, she pulled out her phone and stared at the screen, the contact information for her father flashing in her mind.

Should she call him? Ask what he wanted? Maybe knowing would ease some of the anxiety swirling within her. But even as she thought it, the fear gripped her. What if he asked her to come home right away? What if he revealed something she wasn’t ready to hear?

With a sigh, she put her phone down and took a moment to breathe. The decision about returning home loomed larger than ever. She had been running from her family, from the hurt, the pain, and the memories, but now they were here, waiting for her, ready to pull her back into their world.

As she drove home, the city lights flickered past her, and Elowen felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. She was alone in this struggle, and the weight of her indecision felt like an anchor dragging her deeper into uncertainty.

Back in her apartment, Elowen moved through the familiar space, but everything felt different. The walls that had once felt like a sanctuary now felt like a cage. She paced back and forth, her mind racing.

The invitation to return home gnawed at her. She envisioned her father’s face, the authority and power radiating from him. But what if it meant stepping back into the life she had fought so hard to escape?

With a heavy heart, she sank onto her couch, her thoughts spiraling. The conflicting emotions within her clashed like waves crashing against a shore.

What did she really want? A part of her craved the comfort of family, the sense of belonging she had lost, but another part warned her of the dangers that lurked within that world.

She pulled out her notebook and began to write, pouring her heart onto the pages. It was a way to process, to find clarity amidst the chaos. Words flowed from her pen, capturing her fears, her hopes, and the yearning to forge her own path.

As the night deepened, Elowen wrote until her hand ached, but she felt a small sense of release. For the first time in a week, she felt a flicker of resolve. Perhaps it was time to confront her past—not just for her family but for herself.

With that thought, she put her pen down and took a deep breath. Tomorrow, she would decide whether to return home. But tonight, she would embrace the uncertainty and allow herself to feel—truly feel—the weight of her choices.

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