Siblings. (AKA the reason I have a personality)

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I have 6 siblings, 7 if you count in laws. So we're gonna go in order. Youngest to oldest.

My twin sister Georgia was my first friend, not to mention my only one in elementary school. She's even less popular than I am but she was overall nicer when we were little kids. She got me hooked on TV shows and books like Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games. Georgia used to wear these headbands she called "puffy ears" and they were kinda her trademark. 

She's really smart and really funny but maybe it's just because she's my twin. Georgia looks almost exactly like me except that her hair is really long and mine is short. When I moved to my new school, one of my new friends tried to convince us we weren't identical just because she could tell us apart. To this day she still doesn't believe us when we say we're identical.

When we were little, it was always Georgia and Luna, not one or the other, both.

Next, my older sister Kendall. Now I used to be good friends with Kendall, but when she became a teenager, we kinda fell out. Kendall's really pretty, so are all her friends. But she's also athletic. No one in my family is athletic. Growing up she was my family's pride and joy. The golden child. The favorite. I used to be jealous, but now I'm not. 

Something Kendall also is, is skinny. I don't know if she just got lucky because she had a fast metabolism, but much like everything about Kendall, no one else in my family is skinny. We used to joke the aliens dropped her off on our porch in a UPS box and mom and dad took her in.

I'm starting to be friends with her again, especially after she got a boyfriend. Something changed when she started dating him. I guess since he's a nerd she reverted back to liking her nerd sisters.

After Kendall, or I guess before is Ivan. Ivan is insanely popular, but my mom says it's only because he changed who he was to conform with the status quo. Either way he still scares me. He's the type of brother to hold you in a headlock and beat you up as a greeting. He's also an athlete but he isn't really inherently athletic. Back when he was nicer, he'd wrestle with me and Georgia. Of course we'd lose, but I wouldn't mind losing again and again if I could have the old Ivan back. 

My mom told me that when me and Georgia were just born, he brought us for show and tell and she said he was super proud of his little sisters. That makes me happy but I have a hard time imaging it.

Then there's Zach. He's worse than Ivan in the sense that he changed. He won't respond to his real name anymore. Zach's not the quirky sweater vest wearing teenager I knew him to be. I guess I should've expected him to not wear those forever. He's a lot more judgy and he cusses a lot. I mean I go to school and people cuss all the time but I'm not used to my brother doing it.

He's being going to parties and lying to mom and dad all the time. When he's home at least. He's in college now and he probably won't come home now that he has his own apartment. 

I don't know why he confides in me. I'm several years younger and don't know a thing about when your drunk at a party and a girl kisses you. Zach likes to talk so maybe it's just a force of habit but I don't know.

And for the winner of most hated goes to Emerson. Emerson gets a lot of hate from every sibling, even if they haven't lived with her for years. I honestly feel kind of bad for her. My other siblings hate her because they think she's a leech. She dropped out of college and has live in our basement ever since. Most of the time I don't see her because she's never home. She works night shift at a hospital and is gone a lot.

When ever your feeling bad, you talk to her. She might not fix the problem but she sit you through it.

And last but not least, Adalyn. Being the oldest she, of course, is the one I have the least memories with. All I have left are videos filmed on an old camera uploaded on the family computer. I like to watch them to get myself to feel better. And they do. There's one of her filming me as a baby talking in that same voice she talks to he cats with. Her cats are one of the gosh darn cutest thing ever. 

Recently, she got engaged to her 8 year boyfriend, Brennan. Now I'm gonna see her even less. And that makes me sad, because out of all my siblings, she's probably the calmest. And at least she doesn't argue with mom and dad as much as all the others.

My family used to fill the "What makes me unique" bubble on the intro papers. Now I have other things to say, but I still put them there, because I'm not sure what makes me "unique" is unique enough.

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So I don't know why but this took forever to write. I guess it's not as easy as I thought. I'm going to try and post everyday but I make no promises. Anyway thanks for reading. Love you. Bye (Dad joke of the day: Why do you never see an elephant hiding in a tree? Because they're so good at it!)

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