The beginning

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Alone Empty Forgotten .

That's how I feel inside ,like air - invisible

Sometimes I think it's a dream like one day I will wake up and the world will be beautiful again

But every time I wake up it's the same -

It doesn't matter what my name is ,I'm no one anyway.Never had a family to begin with so I ended up on my own,never joining any pack and never joining any rouges.It didn't matter though I wake up every day and shift to my wolf to go hunt,and when I find my prey it's a straight can say I'm basically am a normal wolf that hunts and sleeps.But I on the contrary have no heart.

I was walking in the forest hearing the leaves blow and the trees dance when suddenly-


All types of them coming out from the trees,running for there lives.At first I was confused at what they were running from but then I heard it -


My eyes widen in realization.


I turn in the opposite direction and start running with the rouges,while gunshots were still heard and getting closer each minute.

And then I saw one at my left aiming at me,and made a sharp turn to the right when I felt pain on my left shoulder blade.Dammit! The damn hunter shot me!!

the rage made me push myself more but the hunters were getting on my heel.

There must be a way to lose them!

I kept running full speed but I was already tired and my muscles were sore from running too much so I tried to think of something.

And then I saw it a Clift .

My wolf and I clearly made up our minds.

Let's end the pain and suffering, its only a few steps away.

And when we got close to the Clift the hunters stopped running,while me and my wolf were determined to jump.

And we did.

When we finally reached the Clift and jumped we saw the sun.

It was shining beautifully like I have never seen before

And will never see again.

While falling I closed my eyes,and pictured in my mind a wonderful place.

A place I belonged.

And fell into complete darkness .

The beginningWhere stories live. Discover now