
293 32 22

September 2, 2023

Yeosang looked at the light-colored liquid in the glass in front of him. His fingertip stroked the rim of the glass. The nightlife was raging around him. People were laughing, dancing and drinking everywhere. But Yeosang was so drunk that he was in his own world.

He could barely remember what had happened over the past few days. What he had done or where he had been. Whenever the alcohol drained from his body and he came back to reality, he couldn't bear the fact that he had lost everything. So he kept drinking and drinking and didn't care how his body felt.

"Three vodka shots." yelled a person next to Yeosang. He paid no attention to the other person, tried to get a clear view and downed the rest of his glass. Goosebumps of warmth and disgust at the same time ran down his spine as he felt the burn in his throat.

"Are you here alone?" the voice next to Yeosang sounded again. It took him a while to realize that someone was really talking to him. With drunken eyes, he looked at the person in front of him. It was a young man with dark straight hair. He wore a charming smile on his lips. Yeosang nodded hesitantly and realized that he was getting dizzy.

The waitress at the bar placed three shots in front of them and the man handed her the money. Then he turned back to Yeosang. "Would you like to join me and my friends? The shot's on me," he said with a laugh and held out one of the glasses to Yeosang. Yeosang was too drunk to think about anything as he grabbed the glass and tried to get up from his chair.

When his feet hit the floor and he almost collapsed, the stranger grabbed his arm. Yeosang let it happen and together they walked away from the bar. "How much have you had to drink?" the man asked, a certain concern in his voice. Yeosang followed his steps and shrugged his shoulders. He didn't even remember how he had gotten here.

It wasn't long before the man stopped and they were standing in front of a table in the corner. Another young man and a woman were sitting at the table. They made out with each other and only noticed the others when the man next to Yeosang put his glass on the table and cleared his throat. They pulled away from each other. With the stranger's help, Yeosang dropped onto the bench across from them.

"They are my friends Ivy and Caleb." The girl with black hair smiled kindly at Yeosang. Yeosang smiled back, but then looked elsewhere again. "I'm Jay, by the way," the stranger said, dropping onto the bench next to Yeosang. Yeosang nodded and felt his eyelids slowly grow heavy.

"What's your name?" Jay asked as his friends picked up where they'd left off. Yeosang looked up tiredly. "Yeosang." he mumbled. Jay nodded and scrutinized him, then suddenly grabbed the shot glass in Yeosang's hand. "I don't think you should drink any more," he said a little overwhelmed and downed the glass himself instead. Yeosang barely heard his words and let his head sink onto the back of the bench. Everything around him was spinning and he felt sick, but he still felt better, as if he was sober now.


"He's still not answering." Jongho lowered his phone and was about to throw it across the room. Wooyoung grabbed his best friend's hands. "Maybe he's busy." Frustrated, Jongho shook his head. "I'm sure he'll never want to talk to me again. I ruined everything." Jongho lowered his head.

Wooyoung's hand let go of his hand and moved under Jongho's chin to lift his head. "You didn't ruin everything. I'm sure Yeosang will call you soon." Jongho took a deep breath. He felt like crying, but he didn't want to burden Wooyoung any more. "He doesn't even have his phone on. What if he never talks to me again or something happened?"

Wooyoung quickly shook his head and hugged Jongho without hesitation. Although Jongho loved his hugs, it didn't calm him down at all. His whole body ached at the thought that he might have seen Yeosang for the last time. He wanted to turn back time. If he had just pulled Yeosang into his arms that night instead of confronting him, maybe things would be different.

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