chapter 24

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With the giants and Triton

(Narrator pov)

*Saturn,Uranus, and Jupiter were following Triton to the enemy hideout*

Saturn: Is it still far away?

Triton: we're almost there

*they finally arrived at the enemy hideout*

X: It looks like we have company

Jupiter: So this is where you guys were hiding this whole time

Uranus: Guys, Iris isn't here

X: he left a little while ago. Unfortunately for you guys

Saturn: he's probably planning to get the earthling back

Sedna: So what are you gonna do about it? You can't help her if you are here

With the rocky planets

(Sunny pov)

💭: I have the feeling that something is about to happen

*Iris slowly approached Mercury orbit from the back of the Sun*

– Hey Mercury, I have a bad feeling right now, I think something bad is about to happen soon

Mercury: Don't worry. As long as you stay beside us, nothing will happen to you

– I hope you're right about that

Mercury: I'm going to talk to the others really quickly. I won't be gone for too long

– okay I'll wait here 

Mercury: If they show up, scream, or warn me by telepathy

– okay I'll activate the mind connection immediately in case something happens

Mercury: Good idea

*Iris was watching us from the asteroid belt and was waiting for Mercury to leave to make his move.*

Mercury: I'm going now. Be careful

*Mercury leaves, and I stayed silent while watching him, leaving*

💭: I have a really bad feeling right now, Iris must be close. Maybe I should look around Mercury orbit to see if there's anyone

*I look around from Mercury orbit and don't notice Iris getting close to Mercury orbit from behind the Sun*

💭: Let's check from the other side

*I go towards the other side of Mercury orbit, but suddenly someone grabbed me and covered my mouth so no one could hear me screaming*

💭: That's not good. I need to warn Mercury

Iris: long time no see, little one

💭🔗: Mercury help, Iris....

*I got knocked out before I finished, and the connection was broken immediately when I passed out.*

With the rocky planets

*Mercury received the message*

Mercury: Oh no, we have to go. Iris got the earthling

Mars: we have to stop him

*All the rocky planets go towards Iris location*

In the enemy hideout

(Narrator pov)

X: Shall we start now? I'm getting impatient to get my revenge

Uranus: Bring it on

*they all started to fight. Uranus was against Rémina and Sedna while Saturn and Jupiter were fighting X*

With the rocky planets

*The rocky planets were surrounding Iris, who was holding the earthling still unconscious*

Mars: Give her back, or we'll use force

Iris: You think that I'm scared of you guys. Well, think again because I could destroy you really easily

Mars: You're bluffing because you are surrounded, and you can't do anything about it

Iris: I was trying to avoid having to fight while holding her, but it seems like I don't have a choice now

*Iris uses his tentacles to attack the rocky planets and create a path to the  asteroid belt*

Mercury: Guys, he's trying to get into the asteroid belt to lose us more easily and take Sunny back to the enemy hideout

Venus: We can't let him escape with the earthling, or the giants will be mad at us for failing our job

Mars: You're right about that. We can't let him escape, or we'll be in big trouble

*The rocky planets blocked Iris from going into the asteroid belt*

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