Chapter 1

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The night was heavy with mist, the moon hidden behind thick clouds. Deep within the dense Beacon Hills forest, Derek Hale prowled with heightened senses, always on alert. The peace he sought was fleeting, and he had learned that something new was coming—something he couldn’t ignore.

It was her scent that reached him first—familiar, yet unknown. Not a member of his pack, but undeniably a werewolf. His curiosity piqued, Derek followed the scent trail, leading him deeper into the woods until he came across a figure crouched by the river’s edge.

Her hair cascaded down her back like waves of midnight, her eyes glowing a sharp gold. She looked fierce and ready for a fight, but there was something vulnerable about her too.

“Who are you?” Derek asked, his voice low and commanding.

The woman stood slowly, her gaze locking onto his. “My name’s Ember,” she said, her voice steady but with a slight tremor that she tried to hide. “I didn’t think anyone would find me here.”

Derek tilted his head, studying her. She wasn’t from around here, that much was clear. “You’re a werewolf.”

“So are you,” Ember countered, her lips twitching into the ghost of a smile. “I’ve heard of you. Derek Hale, right? Alpha of the Hale pack?”

“Not an Alpha anymore,” Derek replied, his expression darkening slightly. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you here? Beacon Hills isn’t exactly welcoming to lone wolves.”

Ember shifted uncomfortably, glancing back at the river before meeting his gaze again. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” she admitted quietly. “I was part of a pack up north, but things… fell apart. I thought maybe I could start over here. I don’t want trouble. I just want a chance to be left in peace.”

Derek felt a pang of empathy. He knew too well what it was like to lose a pack, to be left alone. Still, trust didn’t come easily for him, especially with strangers. “You should have stayed away. This town has its own problems. If you stick around, you’ll be dragged into them.”

Ember’s eyes flashed with determination. “I can handle myself.”

Derek wasn’t so sure. There was something about her—something hidden beneath the surface that made him hesitate. “If you’re staying, you need to know the rules. I can’t have another rogue werewolf stirring up trouble.”

“I’m not a rogue,” Ember snapped, but then caught herself. “I’m… I’m just trying to find a place where I can belong.”

For a moment, silence hung between them, the distant sound of the river filling the space. Derek’s instincts told him she wasn’t a threat, not to him anyway. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t running from something dangerous.

“I’ll give you a chance,” Derek finally said, his voice softer than before. “But if anything goes wrong—if you put this town or my pack in danger—I won’t hesitate to stop you.”

Ember nodded. “I understand.”

“Come with me,” Derek said, turning on his heel and starting back toward the woods. “You can stay in the loft for now. I’ll introduce you to the others.”

Ember followed, a sense of relief washing over her. She hadn’t expected Derek to be so… reasonable. But she also knew that her past wasn’t something she could escape forever. As much as she wanted a new start, the shadows of her old pack still loomed over her.

Derek could feel the tension in her, the weight she carried on her shoulders. He knew that feeling all too well. But for now, he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, even the strongest wolves needed a pack to survive.

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