To Dream of Escaping

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Sometimes, I would daydream about what it would be like to live like a normal person.

Away from Jackson.

Away from the nightmares.

Away from everything I had known.

If I hadn't met Jackson at the party two years ago, maybe I could've lived a happier life.

I'm not saying that I blame him, he's a decent guy- it was my fault for not stopping him in this rabbit hole of debts and dreams.

But then, who can I blame for dreaming about being able to buy some nice clothes?

Maybe a handbag, a nice car, and a decent meal.

It was all just a dream, I knew, but it was my only haven to escape the harsh reality I had forced myself into- and I hated myself for it, every single damn second.

I can never blame Jackson.

Nor the guys.

The only person I can blame is myself.

I believe that I deserve this life.

But even a prisoner would often dream of escaping the harsh realities that they had succumbed to. 

I sighed.

I was sitting on the banged-up couch, staring out the window.

The sun was just about to set, and the harsh glare of the sun hurt my eyes.

But, the dream...

Oh, the dream of escaping...

It's a wonderful, hopeless, and torturing dream.

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