Sometimes, I would daydream about what it would be like to live like a normal person.
Away from Jackson.
Away from the nightmares.
Away from everything I had known.
If I hadn't met Jackson at the party two years ago, maybe I could've lived a happier life.
I'm not saying that I blame him, he's a decent guy- it was my fault for not stopping him in this rabbit hole of debts and dreams.
But then, who can I blame for dreaming about being able to buy some nice clothes?
Maybe a handbag, a nice car, and a decent meal.
It was all just a dream, I knew, but it was my only haven to escape the harsh reality I had forced myself into- and I hated myself for it, every single damn second.
I can never blame Jackson.
Nor the guys.
The only person I can blame is myself.
I believe that I deserve this life.
But even a prisoner would often dream of escaping the harsh realities that they had succumbed to.
I sighed.
I was sitting on the banged-up couch, staring out the window.
The sun was just about to set, and the harsh glare of the sun hurt my eyes.
But, the dream...
Oh, the dream of escaping...
It's a wonderful, hopeless, and torturing dream.
Rewind & Pause
General Fiction"If you can change one moment in your life, what will you choose?" Claris stared at the letter, mesmerized. What has she got to lose? Her financial situation was a bust- and her ex had just ran off with the rest of her money and on the run for drugs...