Chapter Two

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The Phantom

She is a Phantom of her own pain. she feels hers more than everyone else's in the world. She can listen to sorrow and yet still feel her pain.

She feels the sorrow of 5 years till now, 2 years from now, she is just a bird with broken wings walking the dirt road.

In 5 years, her family will cease to exist.

The boy is already a grown man. Hardships will cut him down, and he will end up in prison sooner rather than later.

The girl is a slut, she knows what she wants to be despite being under law.

The boy is the harbinger of happiness and cold wind on a rainy day.

The girl is bratty, all she knows is what she wants to hear.

The woman is on 5 bars. She has no outlet; she has been used for 30 seconds and is already breaking down on her. The outlet she is given only holds 5 minutes, before it too dies out.

The mother is old and cruel like grape vines. All she does is give pain and act like a mouse. She is under fathers rules. He watches over her while she lies to him and to herself, he will punish her severely or she will.

The second woman is unique in a way it is hard to understand all the pain she was given. She holds the secrets while the first blouts the secrets because she can’t hold them as they scare her. The second woman is scared to blout the secret that is why it is a secret.

The man is borderline ASD, he understands and works like a normal human being. He is not a normal human being; it was taken from him by Thim. The man sees a world of black in white as he is the Middle he does not want to choose a side but he is not neutral.

The second man is ASD, he has a hard time learning to understand but he is one of a kind. He doesn’t remember the scares.

The child is difficult. She is Peter Pan. She is scared to grow up. She missed her chance of childhood despite being “Lucky”.

She was the “Lucky One” but she won’t object to the Woman, the Second Woman, the Man, the Second Man. She takes in all the bad she learns, she knows it as she watched it her whole life.

She hates the Mother, she is a snake she knows her poison has long damaging effects. It's a wonder they are all alive, really it is.

The days blend together, tasks are easier for the normal but harder as it might be for the child.

There is no happiness because she does not know love.

Thim destroyed her family but it wasn’t all on their part it was the Mother too. She lives a life of lies and lies and lies. She’s convinced herself it's real. It's not. It doesn’t matter if she gets a pass she wins she will always win.

The child has a vision: A beautiful home on a long grassy land with no white picket fence. The forest behind the house for nature instinct calls. It's a simple dream, isn’t it? That's all she wants. The peace, away from people but not loneliness, never loneliness.

She is sad her vision is just a dream but she is glad she can still dream nowadays. It's hard because all her dreams are ended by the Mother.

The Child knows it will die young as the baby bird laid in her hands dead from jumping from it's nest. She has the soul of a lion but the body of a bird and the ghost of a fantom.

She doesn’t want to die, she's just scared of living.

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