How to write your story + tips on how to finish it.

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Before I start writing, I always begin with a brain dump/vomit document. Just putting out all of the details I want, the characters, the setting, etc. I continue doing that until I have something that I could create a plot with.

I then, identify the novel's premise. Who is the main character, what is their goal, the problem, etc.

Afterwards, I come up with the basic information of the story such as the title (you don't have to immediately have a title.) the theme, characters, and maybe a short summary.

The characters, their backstory, personality, internal and external goals, character arc, internal conflicts, etc.

Once I finish with the very meat of the story, I start the outline.

I use the Snowflake Method and I end up finishing an outline in a day. Just a rough outline. I don't necessarily follow the outline throughout the entire story. It's just something to keep me going with the writing process and not have writers block.

And then I do a chapter by chapter outline. Using bullet points. Writing the characters who will be in the chapter, the locations, weather, conflict & summary.

Then I'll zero draft.

What is Zero Drafting?

Writing a rough draft (usually no longer than ten pages) of your novel, focusing on the very meat, rather than the details of your full story. It's taking the scrappy details of your notes, outline, etc.

This has helped me tremendously. It helps so much my writers block. I always used to get stuck on the first two chapters or even the first chapter and I gave up on so many stories.

There are videos on Youtube to give more details about zero drafting.

Once I finish zero drafting all three acts, I start the first draft. By then, I already know where I'm going with the story.

Write non-linear! You don't have to write in order, if you feel like writing some other chapter or scene that's been in your head, write it! Even if it's chapter twelve, write it!

If you're stuck on a chapter or scene, literally just skip it. Don't get too caught up in it. It will still be there when you go back.

Write the ending of your story. That way you can see how to build up your story.

Make sure your story is the only form of media you can consume. I am easily inspired and can start a whole new project just by watching a show or a movie.

It only took me 10 days (breaks in between) to actually finish the first act of my story. 10k words! woo!

Bye, I am a horrible explainer. Hopefully this could help!

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