we haven't talked in a long while- over a year actually, so I'm using this to say I'm sorry. im sorry i couldn't be there for you like you were for me. during our time together as friends and siblings there were some things i really wanted to tell you but was to afraid to, so tonight I'm going to share those things.
Matthew 5:14-15 says; you are the light of the world, like a city atop a hill that cannot be be stopped, nobody lights a lamp than covers it with a bowl, no, instead it is placed on a stand where it gives light to the rest of the room. in the same way let your good deeds shine Bright for all to see so that everyone will praise your Heavenly father.
Akuma i wanted and still want to be your light, i want to share my God and the good news with you and whoever will listen. not a day goes by that i don't think about you, even if your not who you say you are like archer did, i still love you, you are my brother in Christ and i hope and pray that you have found someone in your life that will do what i couldn't, i have prayed that you repent and come to Christ. and i hope that you still remember me.
your sister Gasper_Bry
letter to a friend
Randomthis is really more of a "things i wish i could say but can't" for an old friend I've lost touch with. his name was Akuma or at least that's how i knew him and to him i was Gasper, we met over discord and left on bad terms through email. if you find...