Chapter 1

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(This part is brought to you by Adam enjoying a glass of rum.)

-Buccoo Reef, Trinidad

3rd POV.
On the Buccoo Reef beach of Trinidad, the sister and twin island of Tobago. Daniel Heins sat on a beach chair with his food friend, Jacob Castello, next to him. While the two were enjoying a glass of rum and coke.
"So...talked to any of your friends from the campe lately?" Jacob asked. As Daniel took a sip of his and shook his head. "Nope, not since we were rescued and Yazmina broke up with me" he replied. "That long? that makes it ten years now, what about Own and them?" Jacob asked as he looked at his son. Who shook his head, "not after what happened at Bioson. Plus something tells me that they all are done with dinosaurs" Daniel answered. As he and his father looked at each other and smiled. Before chuckling, "haha, you're terrible" Jacob joked as he sipped on his drink.
Daniel shrugged at this with a smile, "ah, they're fine without me. Besides, I am doing my own thing" he replied. As his father chuckled and shook his head before finishing what was left of drink. While he got up and stretched, "alright, if you don't mind me. I'll be joining your mother, HAHA!" he said with a loud laugh before heading off to a group of girls. While Daniel laughed and shook his head, before taking another sip of his drink.
When suddenly, his work phone began to ring, to which he answered. "Hello, Daniel speaking" he said, "ah, Mr.Heins. I am so happy to be able to reach you, I have a job for you. I am Sherbert Wells of Wells INC. I tried hiring the other people with your....experience, but they declined my offer. And this job I have will pay you well, especially with one that had your...skills and abilities" Sherbert replied. As Daniel thought about it for a moment while looking at his parents before speaking.
"What's the job?", "I need you to go into and sabotaged a secret facility from a rival company working on being back the more ice age-like animals. Dinosaurs are enough to worry about, I need them killing what few business partners I have left" Sherbert answered. "Alright, I'll do it" Daniel replied, "wonderful, I am sending you the location and pass codes that I managed to steal during my last encounter with the head of my enemy. Take care Mr.Heins" Sherbert added before hanging up the call. As Daniel looked at his phone and saw the pass codes, and where the facility is located at....Alaska.
To Be Continued........

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