I. Death Sentences for All

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She had failed herself, her family and HQ. She had been a waste of time, space, and resources. All the countless hours of training had been useless, at least, it was in their eyes. It was true that she could take down someone in hand to hand combat but what use was she to them if she didn't have any powers. They were, after all, a superhuman organization. A mere civilian was of no use to them and would only get in their way. No, they couldn't let her go. Letting her go into the real world was too much of a risk. If she told someone where the base was located then everything they had worked for, hundreds of years of work, would go down the drain. The only thing left to do was eliminate her. To purge any trace of her from the world, only then would they be safe.

It was a cool, April morning when the supernatural world shook. Mere humans knew nothing of what had happened but anyone who possessed any sort of "gift" knew that an unusual case had presented itself in their world. Mikayla, daughter to some of the most power superheroes in Heroes United, officially had no gift.. They gave her seventeen years to manifest a gift since she didn't have any when she was born. They all assumed that because of her parentage that she would someday manifest some type of gift; they called her a late bloomer to assuage their uneasiness. It had all been for naught, she had been born a human and she would stay a human.

Many of the most powerful heroes on the Great Council had gathered in one of the great halls of the Heroes United HQ. As soon as the news was announced that she had no powers, anyone who was anyone had turned their devices to HQ's frequency. Her fate was to be announced later in the day. No one knew what would become of her but they all knew that whatever happened, it would set a precedent for upcoming generations. It was around noon when the Council members sat down to discuss the nature of the case and what should become of her.

Heroes United HQ 12:00 p.m.

Solomon, who was said to be as old as the sages themselves, rose and gestured with his hands that the Council members were to be seated. As soon as all the members were seated, he sat down. Sitting at the table were twelve members of the council, four retired heroes, and eight current heroes. The oldest on the Council, Solomon, was 600 years old while the youngest was 33 years old.

"Thank you all for joining me today. I trust that all of you have been briefed on the current predicament?" Solomon gestured to the folders in front of each of the members.

Constantine, the youngest member and the one most ruled by his emotions, carelessly threw the folder back on the table with a sigh as he sat back in his chair. Running his fingers through his onyx hair, he pressed his lips into a thin line before speaking. " Well then, let's just get this over with," Constantine stared at Solomon as he said this. He was tired of being pulling into this insolent meetings every time he was in the middle of a hunt. He couldn't wait to get back to hunting down a notorious witch that was currently causing havoc along the coast.

"This is a very serious matter, Constantine. I suggest that you calm down or as you young folk like to call it, calm your jets." Solomon scolded with a faint smile on his lips.

"Father, she is merely a young child. Surely, you can't be thinking of executing her? That'd be barbaric!! We aren't in the Medieval Ages anymore, father." A woman at the end of the table spoke as she put her dull brown hair into a bun.

"So we give our enemies the chance to capture and interrogate her? That'll give them HQ"s location and we'll never be safe from them again. Helen, you can't truly be thinking of putting her life over everyone's life at HQ's." Constantine rebuked through gritted teeth.

"But she's only a child!" Helen whined.

"A child or not, she puts the entire organization at risk. Do we really wanna risk everyone's lives for a mere girl?" Constantine straightened up as he said this. This was the first meeting that he had strong views about, he wasn't about to let a child live and risk his family's life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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