Chapter 20-Lewis's Leave

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Lewis was busy packing his stuff and when Jackie saw it she asked "What the fuck are you doing?" and Lewis responded "What does it look like" and she said "Don't go please, we need you here" and Lewis said "No you don't" and Jackie kept trying to stop him

Lewis just said "I'm staying 1 more night then I'm leaving" and he went down to Mike and Mike told him "Where are you heading to?" and Lewis told him and Mike told him "You can't go, we'll need you, you have to leave the past in the past brother" Lewis just nodded his head and said "No, I can't, I tried but I couldn't and you know I tried to get along with him but after that day I can't I'm sorry" and Mike kept saying "Leave the past in the past" but Lewis didn't care

Then it was night time and Lewis was ready to go to bed and he slept, he was the first to wake up so he went out of the farm and left a note on the fridge with a magnet there stood

I will always remember you guys even if I'm not there, I will live and that number will never change because I'll stay alive forever and ever that I can promise you and I will keep that promise. Jackie I know you love Mike and Mike does love you, good luck Jackie, my vote is you as leader because I know we would've had a vote at some point

And then Jackie woke up and read the letter and she took it and put it in her pocket so that no one else would see the letter

She went down to Mike to just be with him and make sure he doesn't get up again

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