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The seat of House Baratheon, regional capital of Storm's End stood as a mightiest fortress, that had endured many siege since the conquest of Aegon the Conqueror. The wall hundred feet thick with eighty foot drop into the sea below, rumoured to be erupted with dark magic.

The moment Rheanyra arrived, it was raining in Storm's End, but the beauty didn't fade. She stood on the docks of Shipbreaker's Bay with a smile on her lips eager to see the Lady of House Baratheon, her best friend Charlotte Hightower.

A smile crept on her lips as the bolt of lightning flashed across the sky like a cracked whip. A wheel house was sent to fetch her, and as soon as she arrived, and made her way inside the castle soaking wet, Lord Boremurd, his daughter in-law Charlotte was there to greet her.

"Princess Rheanyra." Lord Boremurd says as he bows to her as did Charlotte who cutised with a grin. " It's an honor to host you here at Storm's End."

"Thank you so much for your hospitality my Lord. I fear I have fallen in love with Storm's End." Rheanyra says with a smile, shifting her gaze to her best friend, trotting forward and rushing to hug her.

Both women embraced each other warmly, mingling their scents. Ser Criston just stood inches away, with a blank face.

"I've missed you." Rheanyra hummed.

Charlotte giggles. "I've missed you too Nyra."
Then she pulls away, holding her hands. "It is raining out. Princess." Charlotte began.

"I quite enjoyed the rain." Rheanyra responded with a grin.

Charlotte chuckles. "Then you will enjoy it here. Storm's End has sunny days and rainy days."

Rheanyra smiles at Charlotte words, then sighs. "My condolences on your....... husband." She tried not to be cynical.

Charlotte peered to the ground with pretense. "It's been half a year since he passed." She says breezily with a weak smile. "Our marriage was quite edgy, but memorable." She tried to act remorseful despite being a serial murderer. ".....the days are long, but I'll be fine."

Rheanyra takes a deep breath. "How's Brandon?"

"He's doing well. Studying with his Septon." Charlotte replies.

"I'm sure he'll grow to be a great Lord someday." Rheanyra assures.

Charlotte looks down to her feet. "...Ofcourse he will. Brandon will hold Storm's End, while I rule the Seven Kingdoms in the future, should things go as planned."

Rheanyra bops, then turns to Lord Boremurd. "Would it be alright if the Lady of Storm's End gave me a tour? A moment with her alone I'd desire."

The older man skeptically looks between the women. Charlotte expected him to say no, but Lord Boremurd nods with a keen smile.

"You can go settle in Ser Criston." Rheanyra dismissed the drenched knight.

"Princess, My Lady." He bows curtly, trailing behind Lord Boremurd as they took the left route into the hallways of the Stony castle.

Immediately Charlotte led her best friend through the halls of the deep dark castle as torches were lit on the wall, giving it a warmth and casting a shadow of their reflection. Rheanyra was glad they had a moment to spend together alone. They talked about good old days, and never mentioned Alicent or her children, except for Ariel who Rheanyra kept gushing about, glad her uncle chose her cousin as his heir over that whelp Aegon, a statement that wrenched Charlotte's heart, but she had nothing to fear, her plans won't go avail, everything will fall through. She swore within her mind.

"I hear suitors from all over the realm are vying for your hand in marriage." Rheanyra nudged her best friend.

Charlotte lowered her head, fiddling with her fingers. "The patriarchy system has always been the same. Once a woman becomes a widow, she's expected to remarry again to cover the gap of her grieve."

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