Chapter Three

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Homeward Bound

**Jodius Perspective**

The heavy wooden doors of Solhaven Academy creaked open, releasing a cascade of sunlight that poured over the stone steps and spilled across the courtyard. Jodius stepped into the brightness, his heart racing from the earlier confrontation and the weight of new revelations. Throne and Nirus flanked him, their expressions mirroring a mix of concern and determination.

“Do you think the knight will come back?” Throne asked, casting a wary glance over his shoulder.

“I don’t know,” Jodius replied, his mind still churning with thoughts of the dark figure that had vowed to return. “But we need to be ready. There’s something more to this, something I have to understand.”

As they descended the steps, Jodius scanned the courtyard bustling with students and remnants of the day’s chaos. It was hard to fathom that a mere hour ago, danger had lurked within these walls. Now, laughter and chatter filled the air, a stark contrast to the shadowy threats that loomed over him.

Then, as his gaze drifted towards the school gates, Jodius spotted them. His heart skipped a beat. Waiting just beyond the gate were his grandparents, Savannah and Bastion, their faces a mix of worry and relief. Savannah’s silvery hair caught the sunlight, glimmering as she waved, while Bastion’s strong countenance exuded an intrinsic warmth that made Jodius feel safe.

“We’re here!” Jodius called, a surge of excitement washing over him until he noticed the disheveled state of his clothes. Burn marks marred the fabric, blackened patches where the knight’s dark magic had nearly consumed him. He swallowed hard, anxiety creeping back in as he approached the gate.

“Jodius!” Savannah rushed forward, her voice tinged with urgency. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Grandma,” Jodius assured her, though the tremor in his voice belied his words. “Just a little… incident at school.”

Bastion frowned as he inspected Jodius’s attire, his brow furrowing in concern. “It looks more than just a little incident. Come on, we need to get you home.”

Throne and Nirus shuffled a few steps back, sensing the intimacy of the family reunion and the gravity of the moment. “We’ll call you later, Jodius,” Nirus said, his eyes lingering a moment longer, silently promising to check in on him.

As Jodius waved goodbye to his friends, he felt a pang of melancholy. He had never intended for this to be the end of their day, but there was a deeper calling tugging at him, pushing him toward home and the comfort of family.

“Let’s go,” Savannah urged gently, her hand resting on Jodius’s shoulder with a motherly grace that soothed his frayed nerves.

They hurried to the car parked nearby. The sleek vehicle gleamed under the sunlight, though all Jodius could think about was the warm haven it represented. His grandparents climbed in first, then he slid into the back seat, buckling up while trying to shake off the remnants of fear that still clung to him.

“Tell us everything,” Bastion said, his voice steady yet filled with concern. “Why are your clothes burned? What happened at school?”

Jodius inhaled deeply, gathering his thoughts as they pulled away from the academy. The streets blurred by outside. “There was a knight,” he began, recounting how the knight had appeared, how he had invoked the story of the Boy from the Sun, and how all of it felt like a chaotic dream spilling into reality. He shared his confusion about his newfound destiny and the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Savannah listened intently, her expression shifting from worry to resolute determination as Jodius spoke. “You’re stronger than you realize, Jodius,” she said softly. “We believe in you, just as your father always did. There is light within you.”

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