part 5

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"What are doing here, and wheres gon?" The older man of the two asks " what i cant come and hang out with now old man?" The younger respons not answing the second qusetion." Killua its like 2 in the morning!?" Yells leorio," No! Its only 1 and quit yelling jeez." Says killua "ok why are you here  and wheres gon?" "Are me and gon joined by the hips or something!? We dont have to be together all the time you know?" Killua respons folding his arms  and looking away from the older male." Killua? Why are you here  are you hurt? Did something happen to  gon ?" Leorio ask now concernd  stepping closer to the younger stopping when killua tensed up  rapping his arms tigher around his frame ,"killua whats going on why are you here?". " I um Im... can c-an we go to yo-ur office pleaeas?" Asked killua, leorio concernd agrees forgeting all adout going home and takes the teen  back to his office.

Sitting down leoiro obsevers killua only now seeing his tear staind face,"killua  w-whats going on?"he asks softly trying to get the teen to open up " I- m  uh"  with killua clearly trying to hold back a sob leoiro gets up  and walks over to killua neeling down on the floor and placeing his hand on the youngers shoulder " you can tell anything ok it wont change how i think of you ok ?"he reasoures the younger "  G gon he r" killua finally breaks sobbing on to leairos shoulder.

After 2 hours  of crying killua fell asleep. Leaveing leorio to his thougths' what did gon do,and why is it so upseting that killua cant even say it without breaking down?'  Thougths like this went were running in his mind for  two hours? Maybe one? 

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