I can tell that we are going to be friends

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A/N: heyy this is the first part i hope you like it
TW for this chapter


Its my first day of 11th grade, im finally in my last year of highschool and its 6:30am so i need to go get ready.
I get out of my warm bed and walk into the bathroom to go brush my teeth and wash my face.
Then i go eat my breakfast. While i walk down the stairs i see my sister carrying a glass of apple juice upstairs.

"hey eve what are you up to?"

evermore turns around to face her younger sister while yawning
"im away to get ready to go out with my friends since university doesn't start till tomorow"

"ugh lucky i have school in about a hour"

"lol i couldnt deal with highschool again"
eve rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her apple juice.

"well good for you that you dont have to anyway im going to go in the shower and get ready"

"okay have fun at school"

"mhm ill try!"
folklore sarcasticly puts her thumbs up then walks off.


I love my sister well sometimes she can be super annoying though but thats just because since she is 22 and im 16 she thinks she can boss me about and whatever even though im probaly more mature than her if anything.

I remember when she was 20 and she came home super drunk and i had to hide her from our parents because i dont think she would see the day of light again if our parents saw how drunk she was.

Also last year when she was trying to cook something she put a metal fork in the microwave and almost set the whole house on fire I just saw the smoke coming from the kitchen and went downstairs to see a fire.

And when i got a call from her about 3 years ago telling me she wouldnt be in the house after school because she is in hospital after stealing mums car and crashing it into a ditch.

Or when she tried to hold a handstand for 1 hour and ended up fainting from the blood rushing to her head and i walked in her room and thought she was dead.

Or when she was about my age and she tried to sneek out the house by climbing on the roof but she got stuck and i thought it was santa claus on my roof even though it was the middle of june.

Theres been loads more stupid things shes done but i would be here all day naming them all.

anyway im away to get ready for school now.


folklore starts walking down to school because its only a 10 minute walk.

im going to play some music because me and my airpods are basically best friends at school.

also its so weird to see everyones summer glow up like i look the exact same with just a couple of extra spots its so unfair but no one notices me anyway so it doesn't matter.


second peirod

omg its finaly the second class I had maths first and it dragged on so much but i have english next and i like english. what would make it so much better though is if i had a friend to talk to, or just a friend in general, because i miss poets she was my best friend for 7 years and i had the biggest crush on her, but only eve knows that and i told her while she was drunk so i doubt she even remembers, but poets had to move 2 years ago because her dads job but she just broke contact with me and never messaged me again, even after she said she would, so that day i lost my best friend and my crush, god i was so inlove with that girl, it doesn't matter now though she has moved on so i should to but days after days i wish she would come back to newyork and we can talk again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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