Part 20:The Final Test

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Things had reached a breaking point. We had just had another intense argument over something trivial, and in a moment of frustration, I told her, Sarah, just go to hell. I'm done with this.

Her response was immediate and hurt. Babe , is this really how you want to end things? After everything we've been through?

In a moment of anger and desperation, I revealed something I knew would deeply wound her.

I sent Sarah a video of me with another girl, kissing her passionately. Look, this is what you've driven me to, I said coldly. I'm with someone else now

The impact was immediate. Sarah's response was one of deep pain and betrayal. How could you do this to me? After everything, this is how you repay me?

Guilt gnawed at me, despite my anger. I knew I had crossed a line that might be impossible to return from.

In the days that followed, I reached out to Sarah, begging for her forgiveness.

Babe , I'm really sorry, I said in a heartfelt message. I shouldn't have done that. I was angry and stupid. Please, can we talk about this?"

To my surprise, she agreed to meet. Our conversation was filled with raw emotion. I don't know if I can ever trust you again, Sarah admitted. But I still care about you, TG.

We eventually reconciled, though our relationship continued to be rocky.

Our days were a mix of planning for a future together and struggling with recurring issues.

One of our major dreams was to build a life in the United States. Despite my lack of financial stability,

Sarah supported and motivated me. I believe in us, Babe she said. We can make this work. We'll find a way to get to the US and start fresh.

Despite her unwavering support, there were moments when I felt overwhelmed and exhausted

Sarah, sometimes I feel like we're going in circles,I confessed. It's hard to keep fighting for this when it feels like everything is always a struggle.

Sarah's response was always full of understanding. I know it's hard, babe . But we have to keep pushing forward. We've come this far, and I'm not ready to give up.

However, things took a darker turn when one day I lost my temper.

During an argument, I slapped Sarah, a moment that shocked both of us. What have I done? I thought, horrified by my own actions.

Tallest, my roommate, was furious when he witnessed the aftermath. You can't treat people like that, TG, he said, his anger palpable. You need to get your act together.

Feeling ashamed and regretful, I apologized profusely to Sarah. I'm so sorry for what I did," I said, tears in my eyes. I can't believe I acted like that. Please forgive me.

To her credit, Sarah forgave me once again, though the damage to our relationship was evident.

The pattern of making up and falling apart continued, and I was left wondering about the future.

As we navigated our complicated relationship, I found myself questioning if we could ever truly find stability.
What's next for us, babe ? I asked one evening. Can we ever get past all of this?

I don't know, she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. But I'm willing to try, as long as you are.

With our future uncertain and our relationship strained, I could only wait to see what would come next.

The constant push and pull of our romance had reached its limits, and I was left wondering if we could ever find a way to make it work.

**In the end, the story of TG and Sarah remains open-ended, filled with unanswered questions and unresolved issues. Their journey was marked by love, conflict, and the struggle to find a path forward.**

To be continued...
Thanks for reading and going through with me I love you all my readers

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