🐈‍⬛❤️‍🩹 The Last Cat Stand 🐈‍⬛❤️‍🩹

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Scene: Scarlet's Room

CJ was peacefully asleep in bed, with a few kwamis asleep on his back and belly. When he peeked at the alarm clock, it showed 8:30 a.m., so he got up. The kwamis were still sleeping on his bed as he stretched, yawned, and walked towards the door. He stood on his two feet and used his paws to push the handle down to open the door.

When he entered the kitchen, he opened the fridge door with his paw and saw a bowl of summer berries. Using his paw, he pulled the bowl of berries and used his tail to wrap it, lifting it out of the fridge. Using his back left paw, he closed the fridge and noticed a plate of croissants on the counter. He stood on his two feet again and used his teeth to grab the plate, pulling it gently towards him. He then carefully walked towards Scarlet's room while holding a plate of croissants in his mouth and a bowl of summer berries wrapped by its tail.

Danny Waters entered the kitchen while yawning and was surprised to see CJ bringing breakfast to Scarlet in her room.

Danny: (Surprised) Huh... What a clever cat. Scarlet taught him very well. I'm impressed. (Goes to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee)

CJ cautiously opened Scarlet's door, entered the room with the food, and used his back left paw to close the door behind him gently. He carefully lifted himself onto his two feet, placed the plate of croissants on her work desk, and placed the bowl of summer berries in the middle of the room. He then sat down in front of the bowl of berries, took a deep breath, and yowled loudly to wake Scarlet and the kwamis up.

The other kwamis started waking up and emerging from different places in Scarlet's room.

Roaar: (from CJ's bed with Fluff and Mullo) That's quite a wake-up call, huh?

Wayzz: Is it breakfast time yet?

Barkk: Ooh, I'm hungry! I'm so hungry!

Sass: Look, friends, our feline friend has brought us food. (flies toward the bowl of berries)

All the kwamis began to fly toward the bowl of berries as CJ watched them pick up some different berries and start munching on them.

Pollen: (munching on a blackberry) Mmm, so delicious.

Ziggy: (munching on a raspberry) This is amazing.

Mullo: (munching on a blueberry) I wish my mouth was bigger.

Furyy flies over to the bowl of berries, picks up a strawberry, and starts munching on it.

Furyy: (munching on strawberry) Now this is heaven.

The rest of the Kwamis: Thank you, CJ. (They fly over to CJ and hug him as CJ licks them, and they giggle.)

Scarlett was startled by CJ's yowling. Opening her eyes, she rose from her bed, stretched, and yawned before changing into her everyday clothes.

Scarlet: Good morning, everyone. Good morning, CJ.

The rest of the Kwamis: Morning, Scarlet. (They continue munching their berries.)

CJ quickly walked toward Scarlet, body-slammed her, and licked her face. She giggled and stroked his fur as he purred. Scarlet then saw a plate of croissants, got up from the floor, walked toward her desktop, grabbed a croissant from the plate, and ate it.

"Scarlet: Attaboy, CJ, for bringing everyone breakfast." (She looks at CJ softly and strokes him as he nuzzles her hand). "I couldn't do anything without you."

(CJ meows softly and licks her face)

"Come on, CJ, let's get you some breakfast."

(Scarlet and CJ exit the room while the kwamis munch on their berries).

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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