
810 16 4

Me and ddot were arguing bc he came home late

"Bro fix that fuckin attitude"

"How bout you js Leave me alone bro"
I said rumbling through the stuff in my vanity

"How bout you just fix that stank ass attitude"

"Okay your the reason I have one so stfu"

"How it's ma fault? You mad for no reason"

"Are you dumb? I literally asked you why you mad late coming home"

"And I told you I worked ova time dumbass" he slightly raised his voice at me, iykyk ion like when he, or people in general raise they voice at me

"Who, tf is you taking to"
I slowly turned to him

"You nigga, doing the most fa nun"

At this moment, I realized I was wrong mid argument🤦🏽‍♀️ he diddd tell me he was working ot

"Get out"


"Get out!"

Ddot walked out the room and i locked the door

So I put my hair into a messy bun and put the led on purple and turned on gumball for a good 30 minutes and I was on my way to sleep until ddot came twisting the fuckin door nob

"Ma open the door"



He left for a little and came back, bro this nigga picked the lock

"Omg what do you want"

"Ma I'm sorry"



"See you don't even know what your sorry for get out"

"Bro, cuz you told me to get out for no reason"

"Cuz you were raising your voice at me"

"Ight I'm sorry, but I told you I work ot and you still mad for?.."

"I forgot.." I got quiet looking away

"Oh so you admit you's wrong?"

I literally don't like admitting I'm wrong like I just cannot

"That's all you getting outa me I'm not saying that"I crossed my arms

"Okay mama" he leaned down to kiss me

So we went to bed and gripped each other ass cheeks and lived happily ever after 💖💖💖💖🔫🔫😣😈😈❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽😜☝🏽😜😜😜😜☝🏽😈

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