chapter 3-

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"Pleasure to meet you, Rhiannon." Daniel said, trying to put a smile on his face. "So, why are you here? Whats your story? I think you already know mine, the typical break-up blues. You seem like someone with a story."  Daniel said  with somewhat content in voice.

I was kinda confused on why he wants to hear my damn story first. I thought he needed someone to vent to. I guess my instincts were wrong this time. Goddamn Rhiannon, you've aced it again.

"Oh." I said, taking a sip of my drink. "Why mine first?" I said with a little fake-giggle.

"I don't know. I just feel like I need to hear someone else story to get my mind off things, y'know? I don't wanna break down crying while I'm talking to you. That would make things pretty fucking awkward." He said with a much more calmer tone.

Fine. I see where the man is coming from. Fuck, where do I start and what are my limits. He's pretty damn right, I do have a story, one hell of a story.

"Hah, Ill start with the "whats my story question" first" I said a little nervously. 

He gazed at me for a couple of seconds, longer than normal. He smiled.

"Any day now"

Ill tell him everything. I'm most likely gonna die soon anyway.

 I'll start from the beginning. 

The beginning of a tragedy- my whole life.

RhiannonWhere stories live. Discover now