Speak now or forever hold your peace,
the silence echoed throughout the room,
I lock eyes with you,
please don't do this I begged,
my voice never came out.
I hope and silently prayed she wouldn't,
how can someone hear a silent thought?
They can't, she said yes, I watched.
I clapped and congratulated them,
I sat back and pondered,
what if that were me?
Could I be the one reciting the vowels?
You can't hear a silent prayer,
that's why she left, right?
She didn't know I loved her so damn much,
that's why she chose someone else, right?
She wanted to stay, I hope,
she did love me...she must have,
she wanted to kiss me and love me,
was it because I didn't speak up?
That's why she had somebody else on the side, right?
That was my fault,
I must have drove her away