It's All Over-*One Shot*

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"No. No!! I mean, dancing? Over?" Amelia started bawling. Her mom comforted her.

"Baby girl, come here." Amelia's mom, Margret, said trying to calm her daughter down. Amelia looked into her mom's eyes. Margret stared down at her, feeling extremely horrible at everything that had happened.

"Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? I did nothing!" Amelia wiped her eyes, and stood up from where she was sitting on the couch with her mom, and slowly made herself to her room on her crutches. About five seconds later, Margret heard a door slam.

Amelia's dancing career was officially over. She had been doing a gymnastics routine when it had happened...


"Okay, Amelia, round-off, back handspring, back handspring, back tuck." She said to herself. She was preforming her gymnastics routine at her end of the year recital. Her friend, Kristen, was in front of her, doing her own tricks. Kristen wasn't the best a gymnastics, but she tried, and she was really nice. Kristen finished up with a toe-touch jump. Amelia's turn. Her heart was pounding through her chest. She did her round off, back handspring, back handspring. She was in the air doing her back tuck now. She thought to herself "Hey, I'm gonna land it! I'll just do another back tuck." She landed her first back tuck. Immediately went into her second back tuck. She was in mid-air, and started to come down. Fast. She landed it on her knee, and winced in pain, but figured she was okay, but she really wasn't. She tried standing up, but couldn't. She tried yelling for help, but couldn't. Her voice got stuck inside her throat. She became dizzy. She saw people with horrified faces all around her. Her dance teacher, Mrs. Mickey came running over, with Kristen right behind.

"Amelia? Amelia!? Can you stand up?" Mrs. Mickey was rubbing her shoulder. The music finally came to a stop, and Amelia's head started pounding. She saw her mom running over to her. Her mom started swelling up with tears.

"Are you okay? Oh my god, I never should've let you join gymnastics. This is all my fault." Margret cried.

"Why is everyone freaking out?" Amelia thought to herself. She looked over at her dance teacher, who was on the phone.

"Yes, yes, I think she fractured her knee. Mm-hmm. Doing flips. Okay. You'll be here ASAP? Okay, thank you. Bye." Her dance teacher sadly fast-walked over to her. "Amelia, you've fractured your knee." Mrs. Mickey looked down at her knee.

Amelia was still on her knee's, from landing on them from her 2nd back tuck. She looked down at her knee, and became filled with fear. It looked crooked and distorted.

"Oh my god." Amelia whispered. Tears filled her eyes. "Oh my god." She repeated. Tears started streaming down her face, as well as everyone else around her. Which included a group that had gathered, Mrs. Mickey, her mom, and Kristen.

"The ambulance is coming, I hear them now." Her mom said. "Just don't worry baby, you'll be better soon."

**End of flashback.**

"I can't believe it. I'm so stupid. Why did I have to do another back tuck? I was fine with the first one. Now, I can't dance, ever again." Amelia said to herself, yet again, while a single tear made it's way down her cheek. "It's all over, and it's all my fault. I should just end it all know."

Amelia walked up to her window. She lived on a 20 story apartment building, and her on the 16th floor. There was a lot of traffic below her. She opened the window, and tossed her crutches on the floor of her room.She put one leg threw the opening, and then the other. She sat on the ledge for a second, and said a few words to God.

"Dear God, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to myself. It's selfish, I know. But without dance, there is no reason to live, I've been in dance since I was 3. Just don't let my mom blame this on herself. I'll see you in heaven, and I'm sure you'll see me right away. I'll be dancing." Amelia said the last sentence of her prayer with a slight smile on her face, then let go. She felt like she was flying, and it felt wonderful to her. She heard people yelling, screaming, shouting that 'a girl was falling from the sky.' Then, she felt the hard concrete touch her delicate skin, and knew that everything was finally over.


Amelia shuddered. It was almost her turn for a gymnastic's routine. Kristen was going,who wasn't the best gymnast, but she tried hard, & she was really nice. Amelia did her round off. She did her back handspring, and then another one. And then her back tuck, and ended all four tricks with a toe touch. The crowd went wild, she was extremely proud of herself. All of her work, all of these years, had paid off. She was finally the gymnast she had always wanted to be.

~Auothor's Note

Alright guys! So this was my very first One-Shot! I really hope you like it! I feel kinda proud... lol :) Well, vote and comment! :D Thanks for the support!

-Olivia xx

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