The Night I Found Out

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Hi. This is my biography. On how I found out about a dark secret about my family
Why they never showed any love or affection to my siblings and I and lastly, why we never went to church or watched any Christian related things

it all started in a forest in Canada. My parents, Julia and Mark, had built a small cabin inside. They promised each other that if they ended up with each other, no other lovers and partners, they would live there, start a family there and tell stories to their future grand children there.

Unfortunately, my mother fell sick and my father fell depressed and started sinking into the depths of alcohol addiction.

Even now, I can't bear to call them mom or dad. I still have nightmares of him hitting me and my siblings.

That's right. If one abused chilled wasn't enough, I had two siblings. Both brothers. We did everything to stay on their good side but nothing seemed fo work. Good grades, honour role, whatever, it was always "you are a dissiapointent!" Or " Why are you so useless?!" Sometimes, on rare occasions, " I wish you three were never born!! "

Yeah. It's sad. The abuse my brothers and I faced. But we made it through and now we have families of our own and we are now treated equally and we still go to therapy together.

Back to the abusive days, this is a story that no matter how many time I go to therapy, I will still think about it and have nightmares.

It all happened in the last day of school. May 25 1987. I just got my results from
my final exam, grade 12, well on my way to college.

I got a pretty low score on my physics exam

28/40. I was terrified to head home that day. My father didnt care for smarts. He cared for brawn. One time, when he was sober, he told me, "sometimes, what you need in life isn't smarts. Sometimes, you need brawn. The fact you are muscley or athletic, you can join the olypizs and become famous or be a mechanic. Keep in mind, I wouldn't mind if you dropped out but I would like it if you stayed in school kid." Then, after he said that, he told me for do my homework, got up, and plopped open a beer and started gulping.

The reason why I was terrified was because of my mom. She was the only one who actually cared more for smarts and less for brawn. One time, when I got up for a glass of water, she sat me down in the kitchen and told me, "Son, disregard what your dad says. That idiot may have thrived with his brawn and athleticness but know it's better to be smart than to be a complete idiot with only muscles and sporty skills to show for himself. " Then, she got up, kissed me on the forehead and told me, " Go back to bed after you drink your water okay? goodnight" Then she left.

I shiver at the thought of having to face her with my physics grade. For a sick lady, she could hit. She herself, has brawn.

When I got home, my mom was no where to be seen. I was holding my report card. Every other grade was good. Except my physics.

I placed my school bag on the kitchen table and started cooking dinner. It was a routine of mine when mom and dad weren't home.

Then, my two older brothers have just come home. We all leave our report cards on the living room table and eat dinner. We wash up and go to bed.

That night, I woke up at 1 am.

Devils hour. I thought to myself.

I was thirsty. But I was afraid

My father always told me not to go downstairs in between the hours of 1 go 5 am. He told me there were demons and spirits that are out and gonna get me or take me to their realm.

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