Black eyeliner
My emotions you can't hack,
Blue eyes pop out against black,
Being so deep so vast,
The pain will forever last.
Not knowing what you had when it was there,
So maybe I was not fair,
But my pain overlooked your hurt,
Sorry if I made you feel like dirt.
I don't want to be betrayed again,
I just want to have a steady friend,
But that concept is something I don't know,
So I guess that means I have to go.
The pain seeps deep,
Secrets you cannot keep,
The lies I have said,
They make me feel dead.
So what about the tears I cry,
So what if I want to die,
So what if no food goes in,
And my weight goes back to where it's been.
I don't want to deal with all the drama,
All it's giving me is more trauma,
Maybe the scissors love me more,
They let me help my feelings pour.
There is no emotions in doing so,
And I don't have to let them know,
I hate showing anyone my feelings,
And I know that I won't be healing.
The truth is I don't care,
Because nobody is always there,
That's what it comes down to,
But that's something I always knew.
My blue eyes are shown much clearer,
My emotions aren't any nearer,
And now I hide behind black eyeliner,
And you don't know since you aren't a feeling finder.