I destroy everything I touch

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Jayy's POV

I woke up with nasea and a killer headache. I din't know where I was or anything else for that matter except for that it was dark and that I was cold. I started to shiver.

"Are you all right Jayy?"

"Garrett is that you? I asked trying to look past the bluriness.

"Garrett Ecstacy to you. What happend? I thought we agreed, no more weed," he sounded upset.

"I'm sorry I broke down. It's high school, you know how it is. It's so stupid, a-and I miss you. A lot." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Bull! You didn't seem stressed with Mary-Kate and Ashley over there. How often am I going to have to do this? How often am I going to have to pull you out of your sad little depression only for you to screw it all up again?"

Tears were streaming down my face, "I know I screwed up. Please give me another chance!"

I could finally make out his face, it was twisted with rage,"I can't risk ruining my reputation for you again, from now on you're on your own."

He left me there outside the back of the school. I didn't follow him, I deserved everything and anything he threw at me, I destroy everything I touch.

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