10. "Breaking Points"

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As days passed, Vyn's father recovered and was discharged from the hospital. The news spread quickly, and Fathima felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that Vyn’s family was out of danger.

Meanwhile, Lena received an incredible opportunity to go to Italy—something she had been working towards for a long time. It was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, but the offer was only valid for one year, and the pressure to decide weighed heavily on her.

Lena lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, conflicted. "This is what I’ve been waiting for all these days," she thought, "but why is my heart aching now? Why am I hesitating?"

She smiled through her tears as she looked at a picture of Vyn on her nightstand. "Oh, it’s you... You’re the reason it hurts," she whispered to herself. "No, Lena, he can’t be yours. You can't think like that. You have to accept it."

Her tears fell harder as she tried to push thoughts of Vyn out of her mind. But just as she was lost in her emotions, the doorbell rang, startling her. She hesitated for a moment before walking to the door, her voice trembling as she asked, "Nuguisseyo?" (Who's there?) While sniffing.

There was no reply at first, so she asked again. This time, a familiar voice responded, "It’s me."

Her eyes widened in shock. She quickly wiped her tears and opened the door, her heart racing with anticipation.

lena : (bowing slightly) "Hello, vyn ssi"

Vyn: (smiling nervously) "Hello,  May I come in?"

Lena "Yes,"

They entered her home, and Lena handed him a glass of water. Both sat at the dining table, a heavy silence hanging between them.

Lena: (suddenly you came, "Oh... How is your dad?"

Vyn looked at her, but there was something different in his gaze—an unsettling blankness.

Vyn:"He's fine. But that’s not why I’m here."

Lena’s expression turned puzzled as she tried to understand the meaning behind his words.

Lena:"What do you mean? I thought you found her by now. You... haven’t?"

Suddenly, Vyn stood up and moved closer to her, his frustration and anger evident in his eyes. Lena could feel the tension radiating from him, making her heart race.

Lena:"Vyn-ssi, what happened?"

Vyn's face twisted in a mixture of pain and rage as he leaned closer, his voice low and strained.

Vyn: "Where is she? Why is she playing these games?" He slammed his hand against the wall behind Lena, causing her to flinch in shock.

Vyn:"Are you going to answer me or not?" he growled, his tone unfamiliar to Lena.

For the first time, she saw a side of Vyn that truly scared her. Her eyes filled with tears, not from fear, but from the pain of seeing him like this.

Vyn: (softening slightly) "Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t think this will make me turn to you.
I won't love you at anycost. You and she do not deserve the word love'

His words cut deep, and Lena felt a sting in her chest. She tried to regain her composure, her voice trembling as she spoke.

Lena: "Are you... drunk?"

Vyn glared at her, the tension still thick in the air.

Vyn: "No one has the right to ask questions here. Only answers. Understand?" He hit the wall again, the force rattling her nerves.

In a sudden burst of resolve, Lena pushed him into a chair. She grabbed his phone and forced his hand onto the screen to unlock it. He resisted at first, but she persisted until the phone opened. Scrolling through his contacts, she found Luke's number and called him.

Luke didn’t answer at first, so she called four or five more times until finally, he picked up.

Luke: "Hyung, eodissyeo?" (Where are you?)

Lena:"Luke, it’s Lena."

Luke: "Lena? Oh... Lena! Took me a minute there. We met while hiking, right?"

Lena:"Yes, that’s right."

Luke:"What are you doing with Vyn-ssi’s phone?"

Lena:"I’m sending you my address. Come and pick him up from my home."

Luke: "What’s he doing at your house?"

Before she could answer, Lena hung up, her hands shaking slightly. Luke stared at his phone for a moment, bemused.

Luke:(chuckling to himself) "This girl... still has the same attitude. But I like that. Leeenaaa, Leeenaaa..." he hummed her name as he drove towards Lena's home.

Back in Lena’s apartment, she turned to Vyn, her heart heavy with worry and confusion. She had never seen him like this before, and it tore at her to see him in so much pain. But she also knew that she had to be strong—for both of them.

Finally, Luke arrived at Lena’s place. Standing outside the gate, he began to sing loudly, his voice echoing in the quiet night.

"Leeenaaa, Leeenaaa," he sang playfully. "Why isn't she opening the door?" He glanced up and saw her apartment upstairs. "Oh, you live upstairs! Wait, I’ll come to you. Can’t forget to give my fan girl her gift!" He continued singing her name as he climbed the stairs.

When he knocked on the door, Lena opened it, her expression serious.

Luke: (leaning in, still playful) "How are you, my fan girl?"

Lena: (glaring at him) "Come inside."

She led him to where Vyn sat, his head lowered in deep despair. Luke’s playful demeanor vanished as soon as he saw Vyn’s condition. He approached him with concern.

Luke:(serious) "What happened to him?"

Lena remained silent, glancing at the wall where Vyn had struck it earlier. Luke noticed the bloodstain left on the wall and his face hardened.

Luke:"Did he hurt you?"

Lena:(shaking her head) "No. But he needs someone to talk to—or someone who’s ready to listen."

Luke nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Luke:"Are you alright?"

Lena:"I’m fine. Just... take care of Vyn-ssi."

Luke:"I will." He noticed the failed attempt at bandaging Vyn's hand. "You tried to help him?"

Lena: (nodding) "I did, but he wouldn’t let me."

Luke sighed, gently helping Vyn to his feet. "Let’s catch up in the morning," he said to Lena before leading Vyn out.

As they left, Lena stood by the door, her thoughts swirling. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to process what had just happened. She picked up her phone and tried calling Fathima, but the call wouldn’t connect.

Lena: (stumbling over her thoughts) "What’s going on? Why isn’t she answering? How is she doing over there? I don’t know what to do with these two... Allah!" She exhaled deeply, feeling utterly helpless in the situation.

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