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Kim Taehyung was one guy who was never considered ordinary or a bore. He was the stud of his school. The Charming, Fun loving and the hunkiest creature God had ever gifted to mankind , The perfect son, perfect brother and even a perfect boyfriend!

Until recently!

Because these days all he did was brood, mope, snap! And as soon as he got home, he would head straight for his room, lock himself up and never come out for the rest of the day or night.


He didn't want to see him !! Not today! Not ever!

Why the hell did he have to turn into something so...
Crap!! Taehyung didn't want to think of any word to describe him. Couldn't he be the boy Taehyung always knew him to be? The one with huge glasses and those hideous braces. Aunt Soo-min's son and his brother Jungkook's best friend, who spent every summer here at Kim Mansion.

Park Jimin was a calamity!

He hadn't changed all that much. The same oily hair, the same shapeless jeans, the same old loose-fitting shirts. Then what had changed? Ah! Those big brown eyes that were usually hidden behind his glasses were now free to taunt him with their innocence. Yes, that had definitely changed! And when the shorter smiled, his genuine smile. Argh!! Jm was better off with rubber sticking out of his teeth.

Worst part! Jimin had a damn crush on him! Bloody hell!! Why him of all the people??

It was his fault actually. He shouldn't have overheard Jungkook and Jimin's onversation a week ago. Thankfully they hadn't seen him around. It would have been awkward. For all of them. Maybe he'd talk to Jungkook once Jimin went back to Busan. Back to his city. Back to his mother. It was just 2 weeks more. No big deal at all.

2 whole weeks??!! That was like a lifetime!

Hell, he hadn't spoken to Yuna without snapping in days!! If it was any other girl, she would have dumped him long back for being such a litter. But Yuna was a sweetheart! And a sexy one of course. Now all he had to do was wait for this Park Jimin to leave so that he could get back to living. At least till the next summer.

There was a light knock at his door and he considered ignoring it. But it could be his parents, "Come on in." he said. The door creaked open slightly but nobody showed up inside.

"Who is it?" he was starting to get irritated. If it was his best friend Jin who came to play his stupid pranks, he was in no mood at all.

"Erm... It's me."

Dear Lord, out of all the people not him!!

He saw Jimin nervously step in his room. The younger had put on a ridiculously loose T-shirt with a pair of faded jeans. Why did he wear such oversized clothes? Jimin was thin. Really thin! To think of it, maybe even a little undernourished. Was he ill? Why the hell did even Taehyung care?!!

Jimin looked up with his big clear eyes and the taller almost groaned out loud. Nobody should look so sinless!

"Soo-min aunty asked me to call you for dinner." He said.

"I'm not hungry right now. I'll ask the helper to get me a plate up here later" Taehyung dismissed

"Oh." Jimin looked... sad. Why?
He damn well knew why! He couldn't help wanting to walk up to the shorter and'. do what? No! He dint want to do anything to him.

He tried to picture Yuna standing in front of him. Jimin and Yuna were poles apart ! One was hot and sexy. While the other was... tender and adoring.
Oh God, why couldn't he just picture this Jimin as a geek instead?

"Is something wrong?" Jimin was so soft Taehyung hardly heard him, "Are you not feeling well?"

Now this was something he'd never expect Yuna to ask him. This could only be Jimin.

"I'm fine!" he snapped. Jimin flinched back a little at his harsh tone. He wished he could do it any other way but had no other choice. "Just leave me alone, will you?"

He saw his eyes... Correction... His beautiful eyes glistening with unshed tears. He felt like the biggest Jerk on this planet.

"Sorry" Jimin murmured and quickly walked out of his room.

He'd never felt so low in his life!


Jimin hurried back down to the dining room where everyone was waiting. As soon as he entered Jungkook shot up from her seat and walked up to her.

"Why dint you get bro? Or did you shy out at the last minute?" Jk asked.

"He said he wasn't hungry." Jimin shrugged and took his seat. But Jungkook wasn't convinced.

"Did you tell him that mom had sent you?"

"Yes I did." Jimin dint dare to look up from his plate. He didn't want anyone to see his watery eyes.

Taehyung was mad at his. He knew it the minute he had entered the house a week ago. He'd seen Taehyung frown at him. All the time!
They were never friends. He was always Jungkook's older brother. The star of his school. Why would he even want to talk to Jimin? But he had never been so mean to him before. What had changed in a year since he last saw him?

"Jungkook stop irritating Jimin and take your seat," Soo-min aunty ordered her son, "I'll send Tae's dinner up later"

Jungkook did as he was told. But Jimin knew him better. He wasn't going to let the matter rest.


Next morning, Jimin walked down to the kitchen to get herself some coffee, when she saw Taehyung barking some orders at his servants.

"I want these invites to be delivered by this afternoon!"

"Yes sir." one of his servants nodded.

Taehyung turned around to see the shorter standing at the kitchen door. He mumbled something inaudible and breezed past Jimin without even bothering to acknowledge him. Why did Jm even like this haughty guy was beyond him.

He saw the servants nervously get back to whatever they were doing.

"Jimin son? Should I get you something?" The cook asked.

"That's ok , I just wanted some coffee."

"One coffee coming up" he smiled.

He saw the servants were busy preparing a lavish meal.

"umm... uncle " he had no rights to be nosy, but he couldn't help ask, "What's all this?" he pointed at the kitchen counter full of goodies.

"This is for Taehyung sir's graduation party tonight."

Oh right! The Party! Jimin remembered Jungkook talking about it some days back. Taehyung had graduated from school this year. And of course without any doubt, he was the topper of his school. The Mr. Perfect! How could Jm not fall for him?

Fish!! He had completely forgotten!! He had decided to get Taehyung a present for this day! But he didn't have enough cash on him . If only he had known earlier, he would have saved some instead of buying those romantic novels he had bought some weeks back.

Wait a second!! He had the perfect gift for him. He quickly got his coffee and ran up to his room to find it.


"For Christ's sake, you can't be wearing this for Bro's party!!" Jungkook gave him a disgusted look.

Jimin looked down at his blue shirt that he kept for special occasions and his apparently new jeans. "Why? What's wrong with these?"

Jungkook groaned, "Do you ever want boys to notice you?"

Not all boys, he thought. Only him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin's dreamy expression, "Ok fine, do you ever want Bro to notice you?"

Jimin looked down at his now sorry-looking shirt and nodded. This was the first time in his sixteen years that he had even thought of his appearance.

"Good, so come with me!" snatching Jimin's hand, Jungkook practically dragged him out of his room.


He couldn't see Jimin around. Hadn't Jungkook invited him? He knew he should have done it himself. But he was a pussy when it came to Jimin.

"Baby?" Yuna clung to his arm, "Are you alright? You seem kinda lost."

"I'm good Yuna , don't worry about me."

He glanced around one more time. But he was disappointed yet again. He had to go ask Jungkook about it.

He excused himself from Yuna 's clasp and found Jungkook with some of his other friends .

"Kook, I need to talk to you." he ordered.

Jungkook's friends congratulated him, for which he politely nodded. Grabbing Jungkook by his arm, he took him aside .

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Jungkook looked around confused. "Yuna is right behind you, where you left her some while back."

"Don't act smart with me, little guy!" he hissed, "Jimin! Where is he?"

"Oh Jimin!" Jungkook gave him a sly grin, "Why do you ask, Bro?"

"Dint I ask you to invite him for the party?"

He sighed, "Relax bro, I did. He'll be here any minute."

Jungkook looked past him at the stairway. "Look, he's here!"

Taehyung turned around to see an Angel walk down the steps and his heart stopped beating altogether.
Taehyung saw him emerge from the corner of the stairway and climb down each step carefully as if his life depended on it. He had worn a simple well fitted light grey button down shirt that had nothing fancy about it. Then why did it feel like it yelled, 'come look at me'?'. The high neckline above his clavicles , showing off nothing but the delicate skin of his neck made Taehyung want to devour it with his lips'.. Although his sleeves ran right up to his wrists which some people in today's fashion would consider very grand-fatherly , Taehyung never seen something so pure, so divine.

His eyes roamed down at the fabric fitting every corner of his shape like it was meant for his body alone. The skinny jeans that tightened around Jimin's round ass. Taehyung never ever seen it before. Thanks to those bags which she called 'jeans'. Had he thought of Jimin as skinny before? How wrong he'd been! He could put a model to shame with those perfect set of curves.

But his hair!... he had something against them! They were pulled up tight in one of his little ponytails as usual. Taehyung dint think he'd ever get to see those tresses flowing down. He was almost disappointed.

What rubbish!! He wasn't! He had the world's most beautiful girlfriend standing somewhere behind him. Which he'd go find as soon as his eyes left this specimen called Park Jimin.

He couldn't see Jimin's eyes since he hadn't looked up yet. And the taller noticed he was holding his breath in anticipation of when Jimin's eyes would lock with his.

"Boy, relieve me of my misery and just look up, will you?!"


Shit!! Did he say that out loud? He looked at Jungkook from the corner of his eyes and just shrugged, "Nothing."

He dint wait to read Jungkook's expression. His eyes flew back to where they belonged. He noticed Jimin was nervous and a little wobbly on his feet, as he slowly descended the stairs. Looking down he saw Jm had put on an elegant pair of shoes. He dint know Jm owned those. But how the hell would he know that? He hardly knew him.

"Ummm'.. Bro, I think he could use some help. He's nervous," Jungkook turned to him. "Would you mind giving Jimin a hand?"

Go give it yourself!! Well, Taehyung was supposed to say that, but instead he found himself walking towards the stairway.

He waited for Jm to handle a few steps before really offering to help.

One step, then the other, then the next""

Great!! He was too slow!! They were just boots!! Why did he have to fuss about it so much?? Plus they weren't even that high, maybe just an inch or two.

He climbed up the steps, his patience getting the better of him and stood right in front of Jm.

Jimin hadn't expected anyone to come in his way because even before he looked up, he tripped and fell.

Right in his arms!


"Ouch!!" He winced in pain as his ankle twisted and he fell against a sturdy wall. Wait a minute, that wasn't a wall!! It was a man's chest.

Hmm... He smelled good!! Whoever this was'..

"Are you ok?"

Jimin's head snapped up as soon as he heard his voice and his eyes widened in shock.

If only he had known it was Tae he was toppling onto, he would have shifted to his left to catch hold of the railing instead. Or right now falling on his nose and smashing it was also a better option.

The shorter tried to pull back from his grip on his shoulders. But Taehyung tightened his hold on him, digging his fingers in his delicate skin.

"Are you ok?" he asked again, his eyes never leaving Jimin's. His voice was a low whisper against his face. He sounded genuinely concerned. Jm opened his mouth but his voice betrayed him. So all he could do was nod.


If it wasn't for his pristine eyes, Th would have thought he had done this on purpose. Girls always did that when he was around. But Jimin? He was different. He was soft. So naive. He could be eligible to become a monk for all he knew.



Yuna !

Obviously she would have seen this. He quickly jerked his hands off Jimin's shoulders and got down a couple of steps and turned around to face his girlfriend.


"What's happening?" Yuna looked over Rey's shoulder, "Who's he?"

"Ermm... That's Jimin... Jungkook's friend and my mom's friend's daughter." he hurried on to explain, "He just tripped."

"Yeah, I saw that." she scorned at Jimin, "How lucky of him to fall in my boyfriend's arms!!"



Taehyung had a girlfriend?? Jimin suddenly felt dizzy on his feet. This time he caught hold of the railing to his left.

Oh, he was such a callow!! Of course Tae would have a girlfriend. He was the most alluring guy Jm had ever known. He looked down the length of the sexy girl standing in front of him. What less did Jm expect from Tae's girlfriend? It was like watching a romantic flick with the most gorgeous couples on the face of the earth.

Jimin wasn't even envious!! Ideally he should have been. But right now he just felt sorry for himself . Sorry that he went to such an extent to get dressed for the guy who was already seeing someone else. Sorry that he had no class like this chic before him did. Sorry that he had even decided to come here in the first place.


Jimin looked pale all of a sudden. Taehyung fought the urge to go and get him back in his arms. He saw Jm cling to the railing to his side. He took one step up to make sure if he was ok. But Yuna grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him down.

"Let's go, baby. We have a lot of people to meet."

Jimin smiled and looked up at him, "Thank you and Congratulations." He mumbled softly. But that smile dint reach his eyes. How Th wished he could get Jm to smile at him. His real smile! Jm handed him a small box and quickly walked down the stairs. He dint even give Taehyung a chance to react.

He eyed the glittering box in his hand and looked up at his retreating form.

"The nerve of that guy to give you a present in front of me!!" Yuna growled.

Tae quickly pocketed the small box. "He's just a kid Yuna , don't sweat too much." hoping it sounded true to his ears as well. He winked at her and offered her his hand, "Shall we, love?"

She gave him one of her smirk and pulled him to her, "Hope she's watching this." and planted a kiss smack on his lips.


Jimin decided not to look back at him. He wondered if Taehyung would open the box now or later. He really hoped it would be later. Dint want his girlfriend getting any more ideas.

Just as he touched the bottom step, he heard Th.

"He's just a kid Yuna , don't sweat too much."

Just a kid!!?? Jimin whirled around to make sure if it was really Taehyung who had said those words. And the next thing he knew, the taller was being plunged into his girlfriend's striking mouth.

Jimin shuddered at the sight of him kissing someone else. How many nights had he stayed up imagining it was him in that girls place. He swiftly turned around.

"Yuck! How gross!!" Jungkook came and stood next to him, "She's such a fl**zy!!! I hate her!!"

Jimin had to run. Run away now!! Before those tears deceived him. He wasn't going to prove Taehyung right. He was not a kid!!

"I'll be back." and headed for the main door.

"Hey Jimin!! Wait up!!"

He heard Jungkook call him out'.. but right now he dint have the aplomb to face Taehyung's brother , who Jimin was sure knew that his brother already had a girlfriend.

Jimin felt betrayed and humiliated. Of all the people, his best friend making a mockery of their friendship was something he couldn't handle. Not now! Not ever! The Kim siblings could laugh their heads out at his expense but he wasn't sticking around for another round of ridicule.

He had to go back home. To his mother. Where everything was safe.

Guys I do not own this story . This is just an adaption of the lovely story I read 11 years ago in my previous fandom .
Original - Stewing Temptation ( kriyaansh ) you can search it up if you'd like .
Also since the original fic is a straight romance there might be a bit changes in this fic.
Please ignore any mistakes since the chapters are long so I don't get enough time to edit them .
Enjoy ! Let me know if you like the story via comments so that I can get motivated to update .

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