Chapter 4:Natural

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Lars and Jean stepped out into the morning air, the academy grounds sprawling out before them. The outdoor training area was a wide, open space surrounded by a high stone wall, with various stations set up for different exercises. Trainees were already scattered across the field, some stretching, others warming up for the grueling day ahead.

Jean looked over at Lars, who was taking in the sight with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. "Alright, this is where it all begins," Jean said with a grin. "Just stick with me, and you'll be fine."

Lars nodded, feeling his excitement building once again. "Got it. Lead the way."

Without another word, Jean picked up the pace, breaking into a steady jog as he led Lars toward the far end of the field. Lars quickly fell in beside him, his long strides matching Jean's as they moved in unison. The cool breeze whipped past them, carrying with it the sounds of the other trainees as they prepared for their own drills.

As they jogged, Jean kept a close eye on Lars, curious to see how the newcomer would handle the rigorous pace. But to his surprise, Lars was keeping up with ease, his breathing steady and his movements smooth. There was no sign of struggle or fatigue, just a focused determination that seemed to propel him forward.

After about half an hour of running, Jean finally slowed to a stop, signaling that the first part of their training was complete. Lars came to a halt beside him, still breathing steadily, with only a faint sheen of sweat on his brow.

Jean raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Not bad, Lars. Not bad at all. You've got some serious stamina."

Lars grinned, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I've done a lot of running back home. Had to keep up with the work on the farm."

Jean nodded, a look of respect crossing his face. "Well, it shows. Most people are winded after that, but you barely broke a sweat. You're going to do well here, I can tell."

Lars felt a surge of pride at the compliment. It was one thing to want to prove himself, but hearing that he was already impressing someone like Jean made it all the more real. "Thanks, Jean. I'm just trying to do my best."

"You're doing more than that," Jean replied, giving Lars a friendly clap on the shoulder. "Now let's see how you handle the rest of the training. If you're this good at running, I'm curious to see how you are with a sword."

Lars's excitement only grew at the mention of sword practice. "I'm ready."

Jean smiled and gestured toward the next station, where a group of trainees was already gathering, their wooden training swords at the ready. "Alright then, let's see what you've got. Follow me."

While they made their way over, Lars couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the chance to prove himself not just in endurance, but in skill. The chance to show that he could be a warrior, just like the soldiers he admired.

As Lars joined the group of trainees, he noticed General Alden walking amongst them, his presence commanding immediate respect. The general's eyes were sharp, observing each trainee with the same intensity. Lars couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves knowing that someone as high-ranking as Alden was overseeing their training.

Jean nudged Lars as they noticed Thomas weaving through the crowd, making his way over to them. Once they were all together, Lars leaned in and asked, "Does General Alden teach us sword fighting?"

Thomas nodded, his voice a bit quieter than usual. "Yeah, he does. He's one of the best."

Before Lars could respond, General Alden's voice boomed across the training grounds, giving a command that prompted the trainees to spread out and begin their practice. The air buzzed with energy as everyone prepared for the sparring session.

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