Wrong number

40 2 0

Addison's POV

I woke up to my phone going off

I sat up and looked at my phone

It was 3:38 in the morning like wtf

Who the fuck would call me at 3:38 am?

Pissed and tired I got up and pressed answer.

It was my boyfriend, Luke, or so I thought.

"Hello? Sam, can you like.. Come get me? I ran out of gas."

"What are you even doing out at 3:38?" I giggle.

I wasn't as pissed anymore because my boyfriend called me instead of one of his brothers. #goals. "I was going to come surprise you but I think I failed badly" he laughed

"Where even are you?" I question, standing up and grabbing my car keys

"I'm on.. Uh... Key Road" he answers.

"Be there soon" I hang up. Leaving my house, and going straight to my car.

I get in and start my shit of a car.

After 10 minutes I reach Key road.

Something was off. I then realize, that's not Luke's car..

I call Luke

"Hello?" I hear.

"Where are you?" I whisper

"At home, why?" Luke questions

"What the fuck do you mean at home?!You just called me saying you need help" I whispered/screamed.

"Sam, I was just sleeping, what are you talking about?" he asks sounding confused

My anxiety starts and my breathing quickens, I try to hide so that whoever called me, can't see me.

"Hey, you still there?" Luke asks sounding very concerned.

"Yeah" I whisper


"Luke??" I whisper frantically

Oh great my phone died. I sit up in my seat and try to start my car, which like I said is shit, so it of course doesn't start.

Niall's POV
Here I am, sitting here in my car, waiting for Sam, at this ungodly hour.

It's our 2 year anniversary today, so I was going to surprise her by going over to her house, but I was so excited I forgot to put gas in the car. I know I'm a failure, but I tried.

A car pulls up behind me but it isn't Sam's car.

Maybe they're having gas problems too.

what will me and Sam would do when she comes?

I guess I sat there for 15 minutes, as the clock now said 3:53

Yeah, I really fucking love Sam.

I turn to look at the car behind me, to see if they left yet.

They're still sitting there, maybe its Sam, she always was shy.

Maybe she took someone else's car?

I slowly climb out of the car and start to walk to the Sam.

Sam looks like she is sleeping I tap on her window.

"Sorry I didn't come ov-" I stop talking when I realize it isn't Sam.

The girl looks scared, like she just saw a ghost. I want to laugh, but that's mean.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else. I'm just going to go to my car, and pretend like this didn't happen" I laugh, awkwardly walking away.

Addison's POV

I sat there confused on who he was, and how he has my number, and why he didn't kill me, or some shit. I try to start my car again.

The engine makes some weird noise.

But doesn't start.

Mistakes// n.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora