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....So on a scale of one to ten, how severely scolded am I? I'M SORRY! I had such writer's block with this part! Like ultra-mega struggles, people. But I'll update more frequently! 


On my way to school the next morning, I opened the front door to find Klaus there, eyes staring lazily up at me. I gave a small little shriek and slammed it in his face, only regretting it after it was done. I rearranged my features and jerked it open, glaring at his smug, and slightly offended, expression. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice piquing at the end.

My mom hadn't left for work yet. And that meant possible trouble. No doubt would I hear a lecture if she spotted an ancient vampire sporting the cliche badboy clothing.

No. No. No. No.

He sighed. "I believe we had a date."

I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah. A date. A date usually implies a time which you never gave and my mom is-"

"Honey?" Mom's voice came from behind me and I literally felt my heart slam into my ribs. I closed the door for the second time, hoping Klaus would take the hint. "Yeah?" I asked, in an abnormally high voice. I coughed.

"Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Fine. It's....good. Have a nice day at work." I smiled.

She stared at me for a moment, blue eyes watching mine before she conceded and stepped through the door. I didn't leave myself until I saw her patrol car disappear down the road.

Klaus materialized where he had been a moment ago, gaze scornful. "Do you plan on closing the door on me a third time?"

I took a calming breath. "Sorry. Well, not sorry. I'm sort of sorry. Look," I lifted my hands in defeat. "I don't exactly know what your school regime was like for you growing up, but I have school on Tuesdays, and today....is Tuesday."

He said nothing, simply flipped open his phone and raised it to his cheek. "Yes, I'm calling in for Caroline Forbes. Terrible thing, the poor girl has suffered a rather nasty injury and will not be attending class this morning. I trust you to pass on this information to her appointed teachers. Yes, thank you, Love."

He snapped the phone shut and gave me a little smirk.

But I just glowered at him, open-mouthed. "You can't lie!" I spat through my teeth.

His expression turned innocent. "I didn't. You are injured."

I mumbled under my breath, hefting my bag higher onto my shoulder. "What did I say about doing things without my permission? Did I give you the okay to do....what you just did? I said nothing vampy."

He smiled, showing those insufferable dimples. "My method I just used even predates vampirism, Caroline."

I crossed my arms. "And what's that?"


I couldn't help it-I chuckled. "Really? Do you just assume every woman will fall for you? Even if it's just your voice?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, giving me that expression most definitely lacking in modesty. "Girls fancy the accent."

"What about British girls?"

"They fancy the smile."

"How do you not gag on your own ego?" I asked.

Klaus shrugged, that grin playing on his lips. "I'm just stating fact. Why should I lie to myself for the sake of humility? You must agree to some extent otherwise," he leaned closer, "why else would you have agreed to accompany me?"

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