[ 050 ] A Catalyst

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( ACT III. ── Fearless )
chapter fifty / A Catalyst




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"So, you're absolutely sure about this?"


"It's not too late to leave."

"We're in your Mum's driveway, Annie."

"Yeah." Annika looked around despondently and gently tapped her foot against the tire of the rental car beside them. It was raining in London. Thick, heavy drops hitting the hood of her jacket and running down Lando's temple. The lights were on in the home ahead of them, promising a much warmer climate than they were currently facing, but Annika couldn't quite get her feet to move.

It wasn't just that she was introducing Lando to her family, but she was also here to tell Greta that she would be coming to the Brazilian Grand Prix for her birthday. So, really, there was no backing out.

She hadn't introduced a boy to her mother since she was seventeen, and the notion that she was going to spend the rest of her life with Ciaran had left her completely unprepared for the realization that she would have to do this again.

Her Mum could be difficult sometimes. Nothing personal, it was just the way she was. Kimi was difficult in his own way as well, but at least when he had an opinion he said it aloud. Renate tended to let it stew, unfortunately, and that was one of the reasons why she and Annika sometimes didn't get along ─ they were just different people, and they didn't get each other.

Here's to hoping Lando gets it, she thought grimly, and looped her arm through his so they could walk together to the door.

She knocked firm, and it was opened almost immediately to reveal Greta. Annika's face broke into a smile. Greta jumped up into her arms and squeezed her tight around the neck. The last time they had seen each other was summer break in Switzerland, and a lot had happened since then for both of them.

"Are you taller?" Annika asked.

"Maybe." Greta dropped back to the ground with a grin. "MUM!" she shouted back over her shoulder, up the stairs further inside. "THEY'RE HERE!"

They came into the house single-file and took off their shoes, then jackets. Lando had decided on a beige button-up and white khakis ─ which Annika told him was far too formal, but his palms were sweaty enough to water plants, so she decided just to let him be. Annika herself was just wearing jeans and a long-sleeved maroon shirt.

"So, you've met Lando before," Annika said awkwardly.

Greta went in for a fist bump. "Hell yeah. Work slag."

✓ WORKING FOR THE KNIFE  ━  lando norris. ¹Where stories live. Discover now