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“These brothers are acting recklessly. We need to plan our counterattack before they ambush us.” Namjoon said, standing in a dimly lit room with a map spread out on the table. His brow furrowed in concentration as he traced potential routes and positions.

“But, Hyung—” Jungkook interjected, his voice tinged with concern. “You’ve just recovered. Launching an attack now would put us at a significant disadvantage.”

Namjoon’s face tightened. The brothers they were dealing with were a living testament to cruelty, a fact Namjoon knew all too well from personal experience. “I understand your concerns, but we can’t simply sit here and do nothing.” He replied firmly.

After a moment’s pause, he made his decision. “Prepare our men and ensure they begin their training immediately. The attack will proceed as planned in one week.”

Jungkook and Rina exchanged uneasy glances, their apprehension evident. “Understood. Meeting dismissed,” Jungkook said, trying to mask his unease.

Hoseok was notably absent from the meeting; Namjoon had assigned him the task of overseeing the delivery of weapons scheduled for today. As they exited the meeting room, Jungkook and Rina made their way to Rina’s quarters, ensuring Namjoon was not in sight.

“What’s happening here?” Rina asked, her voice laced with confusion. “Why is he planning an attack now? Isn’t he still infatuated with Y/N?”

Jungkook nodded in agreement, his thoughts mirroring Rina’s. “It seems odd. Given his recent state, it’s unusual for him to focus on an offensive strategy so soon.”

“I suspect this might be a trap,” Jungkook continued, lowering his voice. “Knowing Hyung, he wouldn’t initiate an attack without a deeper motive. We must follow his directives precisely and avoid making any mistakes. We can’t afford to reveal our intentions.”

Rina’s eyes narrowed as she processed Jungkook’s words. “You’re right. We need to stay vigilant and ensure we don’t give ourselves away.”

“We must eliminate Y/N before the attack commences.” She reminds. “His primary concern will be her safety, and he will stop at nothing to protect her.” Rina recognized an opportunity to remove the most significant obstacle in her path.

“Don’t act foolishly,” he cautioned. “With him constantly by her side, she is untouchable. However, I have a more ingenious plan. She is still fueled by her desire for revenge. Let us manipulate her into joining the battlefield, convincing her that she will have the chance to eliminate her husband, the man responsible for the death of her dear friends. She will undoubtedly accept this proposition without hesitation.”

Rina’s gaze gleamed with malevolence as she listened to him outline his scheme. “Once she is in the midst of the battle, we will signal the brothers to dispose of her. She will be attacked from all sides, and we will feign an attempt to rescue her, thereby solidifying our position as the benevolent party in Hyung’s eyes.”

Rina’s expression radiated approval after listening to the strategy. “I am thoroughly impressed by your plan, a valid indicator of your reputation as Namjoon’s most trusted advisor. It is now your responsibility to ensure she is present at the designated location, where we will execute our attack.”

The plan was set in motion, with Rina and Jungkook confident in their ability to manipulate their enemy into their trap.

In the dead of night, Namjoon abruptly called Hoseok out of his room. Startled and still groggy from sleep, Hoseok emerged, his expression a mix of confusion and irritation. “What’s the emergency? This better be important!” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. The day had already been exhausting; Namjoon had tasked him with overseeing a supposed weapons shipment, which turned out to be a ruse. Hoseok had spent hours making fake calls and ensuring that everything seemed normal, all while feeling the weight of fatigue.

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