Short Harry Imagine #4

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Tamara is getting reading to go on her one year anniversary date with Harry. However, it it not a normal dinner date, it's an adventurous date--one that neither of them will forget.

Because they are vacationing where there are many waterfalls and springs, Harry told Tamara to be prepared to get wet and do a little bit of hiking. She imagined that maybe they would go swimming, but she was about to do something extreme. Harry rolls up in his jeep, curly hair flowing in the wind and she runs out of her cabin and jumps in. He looks at her and says,

"Ready to have some from babe?"

Tamara answers before he can even finish his sentence saying, "I am more than ready hun!"

They take off, driving through some forests and passing by some beautiful scenery. Harry gets to a piece of flat land, stops the car and hops out. Walking around to the passenger side of the car, he takes Tamara's hand and helps her down.

As they hold hands, Harry leads her down a little hidden path going uphill. She still doesn't know what they for sure are doing. She hears what sounds like a waterfall, so she still thinks she is going to go swimming.

But, as they reach the end of the path, she sees what they are going to do--use a rope to jump off the waterfall. 

"Ready?" Harry says with excitement in his voice

"Umm yes, just promise me that I'm not going to get hurt." says Tamara

"I'll be right by your side up there, don't worry, you're going to be fine babe." says Harry

He grabs the rope and asks her if she would like for him to go first but she denies.

Tamara grabs the rope and prepares herself. 

"On the count of three okay?" says Harry

"Ok let's do this" Tamara replies

She takes a few steps back and runs forward and soars through the air. Even though she is screaming her heart out, she hears Harry yelling,


Tamara then suddenly hits the water, goes under and comes back up. She yells back,

"I love you too Harry!"

He jumps off and when he catches his breath he wipes the water out of his face and says as he picks her up and swings her around

"Happy one year anniversary Tamara...I absolutely love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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Short Harry Imagine #4Where stories live. Discover now