Happy Birthday, Paityn!

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The date was August 30th, 2024. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Paityn DePew (Helping Out With Scriptwriting) can be seen on her computer talking to her boyfriend Vince Caro on Zoom.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: So how's your job at Fiery Pizza doing?

Vince: It's going good. We're still getting business even though the park might shut down for the winter.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: Because you're a restaurant?

Vince: Yeah, pretty much.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: That makes sense.

Vince: Have you thought about getting a Pokemon pet yourself?

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: Hmm... I don't know. Taking care of a Pokemon is almost like taking care of a regular pet. They always need food and attention.

Vince: I get that. But Pokemon can be helpful. Like they do at Fiery Pizza's kitchen.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: I'll believe that.

Vince: Oh, by the way, happy birthday, Paityn.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: Thanks. I'm turning 22. Which means this is my last year of college.

Vince: Mine too. We'll be in the same graduating class. And you knew that my birthday was last month.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: Yeah.

Vince: Well, hope you have a good birthday.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting: Thanks.

And so, Vince and Paityn kept talking for a few more minutes until they both had to leave.

Helping Out With Scriptwriting's 22nd BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now