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The following morning, we met everyone in the dining room for breakfast. We all decided most of the morning would be set aside for the youngsters.  We could act like kids again. Who says you have to always be an adult?  We finished our breakfast and headed to the arcade. Cindy went to get twenty-five dollars in quarters for all the nieces and nephews, that is, the ones who had children.  Even my great, great, great nieces and nephews who were teenagers.   We had a ball being kids. We played skee ball,  hockey,  video games, pinball games, and so much more. I was tired after a while. I sat down with Alice and Bea as we caught up on our lives. Bea and I were happy for Alice. She finally found a man who

enjoyed her company.  We both would support her in this relationship as long as it lasted, and he treated her right, and she treated him right.

After the arcade, we went up on deck for lunch. I ate two hot dogs with chips and a lemonade.  After lunch, we all headed to the movie theater, where we were glad my nieces and nephews had reserved our seats. This place could only hold so many people. Most of our family took many of the seats. We watched Mufasa the Lion King and the Incredibles. As for myself,  I didn't care for them, but it was for the youngsters that I loved. The parents and grandparents ended up carrying the little ones back to their beds. Some fell asleep after the first movie and some before the Incredibles ended.
For lunch, we ate with our friends, siblings, and their children.  They wanted to go swimming.  We all got changed into bathing suits with our towels and sunscreen applied with our hats and glasses.  Cindy and I wore shorts and just laid on the chaise chairs reading and doing some responding to work emails. My wife was
leaving the hospital and opening up her orthopedic clinic. I supported her. Her clinic would officially few
open for a few weeks when we returned.  Her colleagues threw her party a few weeks after she told them. Her niece and nephew would be joining her in the clinic with their specialties.  This would help defray the costs for all three of them. I ordered two iced teas for Cindy, and I. Bea did the same. Alice for her and her male friend. Cindy and I joined
the other four in the game of, uno and andlater canasta. Bea's husband,  Baird in a game of Canasta.   After a while,  we got ready for dinner . We enjoyed our meal and the conversation until Blake got too drunk. His dad and uncle took him to his room with his wife.
I knew eventually, the time we spent together, he would drink too much. Alcoholism runs  in  parents families ,and mine too.  Cindy and worked on our cardio. Several others were there already and some came with us.  Cindy and worked on our cardio and a little strength too. We wipe down all the areas we sat at. We drank a lot of water and then headed back to our rooms. Tomorrow, we would go to Havana.

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