One Direction is looking for a job and me Elizabeth,Emily,and Starlight were lucky lads that mine and Emily's parents just opened up a bakery shop. We were just old enough to start.The first job One Direction went to is a babysitting job and nobody was available.Niall said how about a bakery so One Direction agreed after a while of staring because Mr.Leprechaun at up all of the food. What is so awesome is that the first bakery they went to is ours.When me, Emily,and Starlight saw them we ran to the back and screamed then,went back to the front and said yes so they will get started tommorow. I was the one to show Niall the Leprechaun around then, Emily showed Louis around,Starlight showed Harry around and then, a new girl named Bella has been in the bakery so much that she already knew the place so we got her to show Liam and Zayn around.