Chapter 4: The Liar

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Parties aren’t really my thing. But sometimes, they serve a purpose. A place where people let their guards down, where their carefully constructed facades begin to crack under the pressure of alcohol, music, and the need to impress. That’s when the real fun begins—when you can see them for who they truly are, when the masks slip just enough.

Tonight, though, this party had a different significance. It wasn’t just about observing others or blending into the shadows. It was Daniel’s party, and Daniel was the key. He didn’t know it yet, but this was where the game really started.

I arrived late, as planned. Not too late to miss anything important, but just enough to make an entrance. There’s an art to timing, to walking into a room and having all eyes turn toward you. And tonight, I wanted all eyes—especially Daniel’s—on me.

The air was thick with humidity, the kind that makes your skin feel sticky, but it was perfect for what I had in mind. The moment I stepped through the front door, the heavy bass from the music hit me, vibrating through my body, almost in sync with the pulse in my veins. Laughter and chatter filled the room, a cacophony of voices competing to be heard over the music. But I only had ears for one voice.

It didn’t take long to find him. Daniel was in the centre of it all, as I knew he would be. Surrounded by people, his laughter cut through the noise like a blade. He wasn’t just part of the crowd; he was the reason for it. The gravitational pull that everyone seemed to orbit around.

I paused for a moment at the entrance, letting my gaze sweep across the room. It was full, but not overwhelming. Perfectly manageable. I took a deep breath, adjusted my posture, and made my way through the throng of people.

I didn’t rush. There’s a skill to making an entrance that leaves an impression—taking just the right amount of time, moving with purpose but not haste, allowing people to notice you, to wonder who you are and why you’re there. I felt their eyes on me as I moved, curious, appraising, some admiring. I didn’t care about any of them, not tonight. My focus was entirely on him.

He spotted me just as I reached the edge of his circle. His eyes lit up with recognition, followed by a slow, satisfied smile. That was what I wanted—to make him think this was exactly what he had hoped for, what he had been waiting for.

“Lia,” he said, stepping out from his group of friends to greet me. “You made it.”

There was a note of surprise in his voice, a hint that he hadn’t been entirely sure I would come. That was good. Uncertainty keeps them interested, keeps them wanting more.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” I replied, offering a smile that was just the right blend of warmth and mystery. “Looks like the party’s in full swing.”

“It’s picking up,” he said, glancing around the room. “Glad you could join us.”

His friends were watching us closely, their curiosity almost palpable. They didn’t know who I was, and that made them uneasy. But I wasn’t here to fit in or to make friends. I was here to make an impact, and I could see that Daniel was already feeling it.

“So, what’s the plan for the night?” I asked, keeping my tone light and casual, even as my mind worked through the possibilities. “Or are we just winging it?”

“Mostly winging it,” he said with a laugh that seemed genuine, even though I could tell there was more behind it. “Grab a drink, mingle. I’ll introduce you to some people.”

I let him lead me through the room, his hand lightly touching my elbow as he guided me. It was a subtle gesture, almost instinctive, but I noticed it. Everything about this night was about reading the details, about seeing the things he didn’t say.

He introduced me to a few of his friends, throwing out names I knew I wouldn’t bother to remember. I smiled politely, exchanged pleasantries, but my mind was elsewhere—always on him, on the way he interacted with people, how he held their attention with ease. But even as he played the role of the charming host, I could see the glances he kept stealing in my direction, the way his eyes would drift back to me when he thought I wasn’t looking.

It wasn’t long before we ended up in the kitchen, a quieter space away from the main crowd. The noise of the party was still there, but it was muted, a distant hum compared to the intimacy of this room. I could see the way he relaxed, his posture loosening as if he was relieved to be away from the spotlight, if only for a moment.

“This is better,” he said, leaning against the counter, a bottle of beer in his hand. “Sometimes it gets a little too crazy out there.”

I nodded, stepping closer, closing the distance between us just enough to make it feel deliberate. “Sometimes it’s good to get away from the crowd,” I replied, my voice low, as if sharing a secret.

He smiled at that, his eyes locking onto mine, and for a moment, I could see the flicker of something more in his gaze—curiosity, maybe even desire. I let the silence stretch between us, just long enough to make him wonder what I was thinking.

“You seem different tonight,” he said after a moment, his voice thoughtful. “More confident. Like you’re… comfortable here.”

Comfortable. That was laughable. Comfort was irrelevant. Control was everything. But I kept my expression neutral, letting him believe whatever he wanted.

“Maybe I’m just good at adapting,” I said, a smile playing on my lips. “Or maybe I just know what I want.”

His gaze sharpened, his interest piqued. He was trying to figure me out, but I wasn’t about to make it easy for him. “So, what do you want, Lia?” he asked, his voice dropping a notch, the tension between us thickening.

I let the question hang in the air, savouring the power it gave me. There were countless ways I could answer, each one leading him down a different path. But I wasn’t ready to show my hand just yet.

“Maybe you’ll find out,” I said softly, letting my voice drip with promise before stepping back, breaking the spell. “But not tonight.”

The look on his face was priceless—a mix of surprise, intrigue, and just the right amount of frustration. He wasn’t used to being denied, and that made him want me even more. Perfect.

“Leaving so soon?” he asked, his tone now laced with a challenge, as if daring me to walk away.

“Not leaving,” I replied, turning toward the door with a glance over my shoulder. “Just exploring.”

I walked away with deliberate slowness, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I knew he would spend the rest of the night thinking about me, wondering what it was about me that left him so unsettled, so intrigued.

This was only the beginning. The real game was just starting, and I was going to make sure I played it to win.

As I moved back into the crowded living room, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction. I was in control, and tonight had gone exactly as I had planned. But the real work was still ahead. There were more moves to make, more pieces to shift into place.

The night was far from over, and as I slipped through the throng of people, I knew one thing for sure: Daniel was already mine, whether he realised it or not.

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