Cursed love

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And in the quiet depths of night, I find myself smiling at the ceiling,
As thoughts of you drift through my mind like whispers in the dark.
You're venom in my veins, a poison with no cure—yet I seek none,
Surrendering to the sweet ache of your hold, a captive of my own desire.
So who bears the blame for this tangled dance?
You're winter in my blood, cold as frost, yet I burn with the slightest spark of your warmth.
Why do you feel like a curse, a shadow that lingers even in the light?
Each time I think of leaving, I find myself falling deeper into you, as if your gravity grows stronger the further I try to stray.
As if bound by unseen threads, wrapped tighter with each passing thought.
Am I a fool for staying, clinging to the comfort of your chaos,
Or a coward for wanting to flee, to escape the storm of your presence?
I am lost in your words, like a ship adrift in a sea of desire,
Ensnared by your attention, each glance a tether that pulls me deeper.
I suffocate beneath the weight of your shifting moods,
Yet still, I crave the fire in your touch, the solace in your gaze.
All I want is to be loved gently, like a breeze that kisses the morning sky,
To feel the tender touch of someone who cares, who sees beyond the storm.
Someone who would take my hand and whisper, *You will be fine,*
Who would hold me close, a harbor in the tempest,
And let me rest in the safety of their arms, if only for a moment.

And as the dawn creeps in, painting the sky with hues of sorrow and hope,
I lie in the half-light, wondering how much of me is left untouched by you.
You're a ghost in every shadow, a whisper in every silence,
Lingering in the spaces between my breaths, in the pauses of my thoughts.
Your absence is a presence, a void that consumes,
Yet, even in the emptiness, I find myself reaching for the echo of your touch.
Why is it that your name on my lips feels like both a prayer and a curse?
Every time I resolve to break free, I find myself shackled by the memory of your smile,
The way it lights up the darkest corners of my mind,
A spark that ignites a fire I cannot control, nor do I wish to.
I am a moth drawn to your flame, burning in the heat of your gaze,
And though I know the cost, I cannot turn away,
For in your arms, I taste a sweetness that lingers long after the bitterness has faded.
You are a storm I willingly walk into, a tempest I embrace with open arms,
Hoping to find calm in the eye of your chaos, even as it tears me apart.
Is it madness to love what wounds you, to cling to what leaves you bleeding?
But there is beauty in the pain, a strange comfort in the ache,
And so I stay, lost in the labyrinth of your love,
Seeking not an exit, but a reason to wander further.
All I wish is to be seen, to be held in the light of understanding,
To find solace in the simple grace of a tender touch,
To hear the words, *You are enough,* whispered in the stillness of the night.
I dream of a love that heals, a love that soothes the jagged edges of my soul,
But for now, I am content to drift in the tide of you,
Hoping the current will carry me to a place where I can finally breathe.

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