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16th August 2015:

"ADAC Formula Four, how come you're racing for this?" Mick asks his friend. "Don't ask me, Prema asked me and I said yes." Theo shrugs, drinking some water. "You should be racing in the Italian Formula Four as well though..." Mick trails off. "Well buddy, I'm not. So live with it." The Hamilton girl winks. "Oooo, it's Lando. Goodbye buddy." Theo smiles at the German before running over to the other Brit.

"Hey bud, how've you been?" Theo sits down next to him on the bench. "Hello, Teddy." Lando smiles hugging the black haired girl. "I've missed you." The fourteen-year-old laughs. "You saw me in June." Lando shakes his head. "Ahh yeah, your homeland, Belgium." Theodora yawns. "Late night?" Lando asks. "Yeah, my mum called me, forgetting I was literally in Germany and nine hours ahead of them. She called me at three, I fell asleep at twelve and I haven't slept since I woke up." Theo huffs.

"Okay, don't get on your bad side today, noted." Lando laughs. "How's Max?" Theo wonders. "I don't know, let's ask Harrison." Lando points to Adrian Newy's son. "Harry!" Theo shouts. "Hey guys, you alright?" The seventeen-year-old walks over to them. "Yeah, how's our friend Maxy Fewtrell?" The girl asks him. "Shouldn't you know as you are his friend?" The boy raises an eyebrow.

"He is, but my life is really busy and I don't spend my whole life on my phone. I like to spend time outside and reading. Like Lando here, my best friend, I spoke talked to him in a month." Theo shrugs. "Oh, I'm so sorry Theodora. I'm sorry not all of us are as famous as you." Harrison jokes. "Well as famous as I am I still can't believe I'm friends with Adrian Newy's son." Theo shakes her head.

"I could say the same about being friends with Lewis Hamilton's and Khloé Kardashian's daughter." Harrison smiles. "Wow, we can't believe we're friends with one another." Theo gasps. "But anyways, Max is good, living his best life." The teenager nods. "That's great. Thanks for telling us. Have a good race." Theo smiles. "Bye." The oldest waves to the two sitting on the bench before walking away.

"Well, this is going to be a fun race. I'm half asleep." Theo yawns again. "Are you sure you should race? You'll be falling asleep at the wheel. You could crash if you're not fully focused on the race. If you sleep through race one you'll be able to wake up before race two today and race in that." Lando suggests. "Yeah but then I would drop back in the championship." Theo shrugs. "Yeah, I'd rather that than you crash and be out for the rest of the year." Lando glares at her.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Theo huffs. "Did you just say I'm right?" Lando jumps up. "I'm gonna need a video of you saying that." The Norris boy pulls his phone out of his pocket and hits the record. "Go on." Lando nods from behind the phone holding a thumb up to his best friend. Theo smiles and rolls her eyes before shaking her head. "I guess you are right, Lando Norris," Theo says to the camera lens.

"That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me. I'm usually never right." Lando smiles to himself as he rewatches the video. "Sorry to interrupt, Theo we need to get ready." Ralf Aron interrupts the two. "Shit is that the time!?" Lando shouts. "Lovely speaking to you love, but I need to go." Lando puts a voice on as he pockets his phone and stands up. "Goodbye Lando. See you later buddy." Theo hugs him before he runs away.

"Sorry, lost track of time." Theo looks up at the blonde boy. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll understand." The Estonian boy nods. "Do you think they'll also understand that I'll be sleeping instead of racing for the first race of today?" Theo raises her eyebrows. "I'm not so sure." Ralf frowns. "Who should I talk to?" Theo asks the older boy. "Probably René, you know... the team principal." Ralf smiles.

"That would be smart, thank you, buddy." The girl pats his back before walking to the Italian man. "Ciao, Theodora, what can I help with?" The team principal smiles. "Erm so basically I only got like three hours of sleep last night." Theo frowns. "You definitely cannot race!" René gasps. "I know. I hate to not race but If I can sleep until race two I'll be fine to race then." Theo sighs.

"Of course, over there is a quiet corner. I'll wake you up about an hour before the second race starts." René nods. "Thank you so much, boss man!" Theo jumps up and down before wrapping her arms around the Italian man. "Well, we don't want a rising star to crash, do we? And I don't want to argue with your mum. My wife says she can be a bit too much." René jokes. "That's my mum for you." The fourteen-year-old says.

"Yo, Theo!" Zhou shouts at the girl. "No! Zhou, I was in the middle of a dream. I need to know what the wizard was going to do with the unicorn. I'm going back to sleep so I can find out." Theo glares at the boy. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes to try and go back to sleep. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes and sits up. "Darn you, Zhou." Theo looks at him.

"I will never know the end of the story now." She shakes her head. "Yeah well, you've been asleep for about five hours and René told me to wake you." The Chinese boy smiles. "You are lucky I like you Guanyu." Theo shakes her head. "And your dad's been calling." The boy smiles, helping the girl up. "Shit, I didn't tell him I wasn't racing." Theo's eyes open wide. "Here's your phone, I didn't snoop it just was ringing constantly and was getting on my nerves." Zhou smiles.

"Thank you, Zhou." Theo nods, talking on the phone and calling her dad. "Teddy, thank god, are you okay? I didn't see you racing. You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Lewis answers the phone and asks his daughter questions. "Dad, calm down. I'm sorry I didn't call but I didn't race as I was sleeping, mum called me at three, and I couldn't get back to sleep. So that meant I only had three hours of sleep. And Lando said I shouldn't drive because I could crash and hurt myself." Theo explains.

"So I agreed like that's some logical thinking from Lando, for once in his life. And I'm going to be racing in the second race today as I've just had a good sleep. René said it was fine because I asked him so it's all good." The girl then continues to rambles. "Why did you fall asleep at twelve?" Lewis questions. "Don't be mad but I was reading." Theo sighs. "I'm in my right mind to confiscate your books from you." Lewis laughs.

"I'm sorry Dad, it won't happen again." Theo frowns. "Teddy, I'm not mad at you. I'm happy that you read a lot in your spare time, it's good for the brain. But I'm coming to watch you tomorrow so pretty please go to sleep early. And I will message your mum to not call you, but to message you instead." Lewis says. "Thank you dad, I'll see you tomorrow. I Love you." The girl smiles. "See you tomorrow, Teddy. I love you too." Lewis says hanging up the phone.

"Let's race! Woohoo!" The Hamilton girl jumps up and down clapping her hands together. "Theo, the race isn't for another hour," Ralf tells her as he walks to where the girl is. She whips her head around to look at Zhou to see him slipping away through the tyres. "Guanyu Zhou! Come here now!" Theodora starts to run after him. "You can't hurt me, I just got on the podium." The Chinese boy pretends to cry.

"Well done, but you woke me up." Theodora shakes her head. "That cannot be forgiven." Theodora seriously stares. "Yeah, Dora the explorer needs her beauty sleep." Lando mocks as he drinks some water. "You just appear from nowhere." Theo looks at the Norris boy. "Yeah it's weird isn't it." Mick then yawns. "You too!" Theo points at the German, already fed up for the day.

Authors Note:

UPDATE!! Don't worry only a couple more chapters before Theo meets OSCAR!! Whoop whoop!

But Theo and Lando might be one of the best friendships I will ever write!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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