the revaluation of Harry's heritage

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In the quiet corner of heaven, where time ceased to exist and the universe seemed to breathe with the faintest of whispers, a forbidden love that should not have been possible flourished between Lilly Evans and Sera, Archangel of the dawn. The heavens were bathed in an ethereal glow, its light reflecting off the golden streets and towering buildings that marked the home of the Archangels. Here, the purest of souls resided, untouched by the sin and pain of earth, the mortal world.

Lilly Evans, with her fiery red hair and green eyes, stood on the edge of this celestial city, her gaze fixed on the figure beside her. Sera, an Archangel with wings that shimmered like the sun at dawn, was both beautiful and terrifying. Her eyes were a deep amber that could pierce through the human soul, but they softened whenever they met Lilly's. They kept their love a secret, away from the prying eyes of the archangels and the mortals.

"How much time do we have before they find out?" Lilly's voice trembled slightly, the reality of their situation weighing heavily on her.

Sera sighed, her wings folding behind her as she stepped closer to Lilly. "Not long. Time moves differently here, but eventually, they'll notice."

Lilly reached out, her hand gently caressing Sera's cheek. "It's not fair. They shouldn't be able to dictate who we love."

"It's not about fairness, Lilly. It's about balance," Sera replied, her voice a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "But this—our love—it defies that balance. The heavens cannot understand it, nor can the mortals."

"But love isn't something that can be controlled," Lilly whispered, leaning in until their foreheads touched. "It just is."

The truth was undeniable, but so were the consequences. Their love, as powerful and pure as it was, could not be allowed to continue in the eyes of the celestial order. And yet, from this forbidden union, something miraculous had already taken root.

Lilly placed a hand on her belly, where a faint, warm glow emanated. A child, born of love and magic, of both the mortal world and the divine, grew within her. A child who would one day be known as Harry Potter.

"I wish we could raise her together," Lilly said, tears brimming in her eyes. "I wish she could know you, know us."

Sera's expression softened, and she pressed a gentle kiss to Lilly's forehead. "She will know, in time. But for now, she must live in the mortal world, where she'll be safe from those who would seek to destroy her."

Lilly nodded, though her heart ached at the thought. "I'll protect her. No matter what."

"And I will watch over both of you, from afar," Sera promised, though she knew the distance would be unbearable. "Our love, our connection—it will guide her, even when she feels lost."

As the first rays of sunlight began to shine, Lilly and Sera shared one final, lingering kiss. It was a goodbye, but also a promise—one that would echo through the years, shaping the destiny of their child.

In that moment, the stars above seemed to shine a little brighter, as if bearing witness to the love that defied all odds. And in the quiet, hidden corners of the universe, a child was born—one that would forever alter the course of history.

Act 1: The Revelation of Harry's Heritage


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was quite ancient, its towering spires and winding corridors filled with secrets that had been buried for centuries. The castle, with its shifting staircases and enchanted portraits, had seen countless students pass through its halls, but none quite like Harry Potter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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